In which you probably learn nothing about me, because I spend most of this trying to cleverly avoid answering the questions. Oh well. It held my attention for awhile...
1) Full Name:
Aheh. That's a secret. :D
2) Male/Female:
I gots a wiener.
3) Were you named after anyone?:
No, I don't think so.
4) Does your name mean anything?:
My name doesn't mean to be anything. He's very unassuming.
5) Nick Name(s):
6) Who do you think you look like:
Myself, obviously.
7) Date Of Birth:
Sometime in the last 21+ years
8) Place of Birth and Current Location:
USA. And I'm in London now.
9) Nationality:
10) Astrology Sign:
11) Chinese Astrology Sign:
Fuck if I know.
12) Religion:
All of the above.
13) What’s your favorite smell?:
Shit, I can't describe it. but I've been trying to find/recreate the smell forever. My first boyfriend used to smell like this sometimes. Some sort of...spicy, herbal, fresh smell.
14) Political Position?:
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?:
Water, or tea with a dash of white rum.
16) Hair + Eye color:
I'm trying to think of a fancy word for 'brown'.
17) Do you look like anyone famous?:
I don't think so.
18) What do you look like?: a person? A mildly attractive, drunken person.
19) Any unusual talents?:
I can pick things up with my toes? Is that unusual?
20) Rightly, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?:
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?:
22) What do you do for a living?:
What I want.
23) What do you do for fun?:
Lots of things. Too many things.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?:
Oil paint, pencils, camera, cloth.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?:
I dunno.
26) Have you met your grandparents?:
All four of them, yes. I see them regularly.
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend:
Not at the moment, no. But don't worry, I'm not looking.
28) Crush:
Uh...Hm. There's this French guy.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?:
There are two people who I'm sure to marry. Brendon Urie. Or Logan Lerman. It's gunna happen. You'll see. Before I do, I dunno. Maybe.
30) Current worries?:
When the hell I'm going to get to bed.
31) Favorite online Guy/Girl(s):
Are we talking about famous internet people? If not, then Alex, KJ, Danny, and Kelly. *glomps*
32) Favorite place to be?:
On stage.
33) Least favorite place to be?:
A classroom, or rather in class.
34) Do you burn or tan?:
35) Ever break a bone?:
36) What is your favorite cereal?:
That changes every day,
37) Person you cry with:
Do You Have...
38) Any sisters:
39) Any brothers:
40) Any pets:
Do people count?
41) An Illness:
Cold Heart and Chronic Backstabbing Syndrome.
42) A Pager:
How 1990s.
43) A Personal phone line:
Technically it's my secretary's.
44) A Cell phone:
iPhone, beeyotch!
45) A visible birthmark:
If you got my clothes off, and searched really hard.
46) A Pool or hot tub:
To be honest, they're both pretty uncomfortable during sex.
47) A Car:
Two, in fact.
Describe Your...
48) Personality:
It's complicated.
49) Driving:
50) Your clothing style:
Depends on the day. I have more clothes than god right now.
51) Room:
It has two windows, and is filled with stuff.
52) What’s missing:
Missing where?
53) School:
I'm not in school. The last one I went to was a boarding school though.
54) Bed:
Tis a futon, and can turn into a couch.
55) Relationship with your parent(s):
I mostly get along okay with my mother. Unless I'm not. Then it's pretty terrible. And my dad is chill. So I'm kinda chill around him.
56) Do you believe in yourself:
Yes. And no. And yes.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?:
Yep. But it happens in ways that you don't expect.
58) Consider yourself a good listener:
Yes and no. I get bored very easily you see, and easily distracted.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?:
I'd rather not. I like keep that stuff to myself.
60) Get Along with your parents:
Pssh. See above, doyh.
61) Save your e-mail conversations:
62) Pray:
Not in any conventional manner.
63) Believe in reincarnation:
Yeah. I guess I do.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?:
Yes, of course. Unless I've crashed at someone else's house for the night without planning to.
65) Like to talk on the phone:
It's divine.
66) Like to eat?:
Eating's okay, I guess.
67) Like to exercise?:
68) Like to watch sports?:
Not really. I like to keep up on the scores though.
69) Sing in the car?:
Who the fuck doesn't?
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?:
There's several. Dozens, actually.
71) Dream in color:
I dream in nothing else.
72) Do you have nightmares?:
I wish I didn't. My nightmares tend to be paralyzing.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:
I don't think I'll ever not.
74) Right next to you:
Duh. Where else would you put it? It's like, extra warmth.
75) On your favorite coffee cup?:
I don't drink coffee.
76) On your mouse pad:
Mousepads are annoying.
77) favorite flavor of gum?:
Don't care enough about the flavour.
78) Your brand of deodorant?:
79) Your dream honeymoon spot:
Amanyara. Venice, maybe. Or somewhere on the Côte d'Azur.
80) Your dream husband/wife:
Didn't we talk about this already? Someone attractive, and artistic, without all the pretentiousness. A musician, or an actor most likely.
81) Hiding in your closet?:
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends?:
I can give you a freakin' list, which I won't. I get very attached to people.
84) Your bad time of the day:
The morning. Or rather, whenever I wake up.
85) Your worst fear(s):
Fear is a funny thing.
86) What's the weather like:
Grey and rainy. But I don't mind. I like it that way.
87) Your favorite time of year?:
Depends where I am on any given holiday.
88) Your favorite holiday?:
Hallow-fuckin'-ween. Hands down.
89) A material weakness?:
I haven't figured that one out yet.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like:
Shit, I dunno.
91) At the top of your "to-do list"?:
Go. To. Bed.
92) The hardest thing about growing up:
Learning how to be comfortable being yourself.
93) A pet peeve?:
If I list them all, and there are many, I'll seem like an OCD freak.
94) Your scariest moment:
I can't remember. And if I can't remember, it mustn't have been that scary to begin with.
95) Your attitude about love?:
It's a beautiful thing.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?:
Aheh, nothing. Cuz I don't like the opposite sex.
97) The worst feeling in the world:
Feeling stupid.
98) The best feeling in the world:
Feeling alive.
99) Who sent this to you?:
No one. I was bored and found it myself.
100) Four to six people you tag:
Hoshitson! I didn't realise I was going to have to tag people! I guess, anyone who wants to do it.