
Aug 27, 2006 22:29

when something is "blue raspberry" flavored, is it because it's blueberry and raspberry flavored, or is it because red food dye already represented cherry, so they just picked blue to represent raspberry ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

yankeessuck8991 August 28 2006, 06:16:26 UTC
it means that you need to stop thinking so hard about your candy and just eat the god damn thing.


itscurtains August 28 2006, 06:33:35 UTC
shut up. i wasn't even eating candy. i was eating blueberries and raspberries, and i began to get curious...way to kill my curiousity.


yankeessuck8991 August 28 2006, 06:43:15 UTC
well what other color would you make it? chartreuse raspberry doesn't exactly roll off the tongue now, does it?

have you ever noticed that candy never has the flavors cherry and strawberry together? Never


___otterpops August 31 2006, 01:17:27 UTC
there's where you're wrong.

jolly ranchers. starburst.

it's just tha strawberries aren't ACTUALLY red, they're pink! everyone knows that.


clareybeary18 August 28 2006, 08:40:49 UTC
Blue Raspberry is a berry all its own. It's not blueberry, it's not raspberry, and it's not in existence outside the world of artificial flavorings.


___otterpops August 31 2006, 01:16:48 UTC
maroon, while a lovely color, is too close to red on the spectrum. imagine, if you will, a candy company flailing for a new gimmick to draw in some new kids craving caivities. everybody loves reaspberries, and what's more radical than blue? BLUE RASPBERRIES, THAT'S WHAT!!! on a personal note, i don't like the flavor, but some people savor the sickly sweet or sour tang of a blue fruit. come to think of it, i can't think of a single fruit that comes up blue in nature. hmm.


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