Sep 02, 2004 00:03
Times change as it does so do I.
Let go of the past live for the future.
Aug 28, 2004 01:34
Perfect practice makes perfect.
If you dont practice at all you'll make a FOOL out of yourself.
Aug 28, 2004 01:28
THRee people invite everyone to a location to celebrate their b-days, but their b-days were approximately a month ago. Should the people bring presents or is their presence enough?????
Aug 26, 2004 23:36
A........b........C..........d........E..........f..........G..........h...........I.......j.............K..........l..............M.........n..............O................p.........Q.........r..........S...........t...........U.........v.........W........x....Y.........z....Next time will you sing with me??...