The meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Apr 03, 2019 20:44

When I started in the second chance contest at the beginning of January, I honestly never expected to last more than a week, let alone end up going through to the main contest. Then, I never expected to last more than a week in the main contest. The next steps of reaching top 20, possibly the only non US person in the top 18, top 10 and finally, ( Read more... )

lj idol

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Comments 4

spikesgirl58 April 4 2019, 15:25:16 UTC
You are a very good contestant and you wrote some great stuff.


bleodswean April 4 2019, 15:39:17 UTC
You've written some of my fave entries this season and I'm sorry to see you go, but all your reasons make sound sense. Enjoy your unplugged holiday!


halfshellvenus April 4 2019, 23:08:08 UTC
I'm sorry you've been hit with this bug-- especially since these things take such a huge toll on you!

But I think this is probably the right decision for your health and your upcoming vacation. I hope the rest will help you get over this thing in plenty of time to go off on your trip in a carefree mood.

I'm so glad you took part in Second Chance, and wrote such terrific stuff this season. It was great for all of us!


kehlen April 5 2019, 15:16:09 UTC
I am very glad you came to play, and happy you stayed as long as you did. :)

I enjoyed your entries, as always, even if I did not get the chance to comment during this longest week and the last one.


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