Info Post, Now With 100% More TV Tropes

May 06, 2010 16:56

Hoshi Sato
+ Fandom: "Star Trek: Enterprise"
+ Is from around the year 2146
+ Just graduated!
+ Is a linguistic genius
+ Is claustrophobic but has been working on coping with it
+ She's finally dating likes_chicken after it took them nearly a year to admit how they felt about each other
+ Works at the Arms Hotel and will be happy to hook you up with a room for dirty times
+ Has her captain's beagle, Porthos, and her boyfriend's mouse droid, Four Dee
+ Loves to cook!
+ Has no outright powers but can tell a lot about you from your speech
+ May have some telepathic ability which was brought up in canon but never really explained
+ Is open to telepaths, will potential for plottiness about discovering her telepath abilities
+ Tropes: Cunning Linguist, Shrinking Violet, Omniglot, Bare Your Midriff (in the Mirror Universe), The Gift because her brain is uniquely wired to work with multiple languages, Meaningful Name, Evil Is Sexy (Mirror Universe), Took A Level In Badass (by breaking her CO's arm over a poker game during a brief stint in Starfleet last summer)

Mary Connell
+ Fandom: NBC's canceled "Las Vegas"
+ Is a total sweetheart who is described by her boss as having a heart of gold
+ Owns and manages the Arms Hotel
+ Has been in Fandom for three years and doesn't seem to want to leave
+ Is very curvaceous
+ Rather unlucky in love. Her childhood sweetheart has a baby with one of her best friends.
+ But she had her chance. They got engaged and she broke things off after an elopement gone wrong.
+ Dated casino owner Casey Manning, who left her part of his estate when he died (my way of fixing canon when the show was canceled early)
+ Owns a pretty big chunk of the fictional Montecito Resort Group based in Las Vegas
+ Has no special powers other than incredible planning and organizational skills
+ Is a childhood sexual abuse survivor
+ Has two very young half-sisters, Ashley and Ariel, currently living in Las Vegas with Mary's stepmother
+ Came to Fandom while on the run after killing her father to keep him from going after her sisters
+ Is generally open to being read by telepaths, psychics, and the like but please check with me when it comes to issues with her father
+ Tropes: Girl Next Door, MsFanService to an extent, Everybody Is Single, Running Gag of everyone mistaking Mary for a prostitute, Took A Level In Badass for her part in eliminating her father

Dani Davis
+ Fandom: ABC Family's canceled show "Wildfire"
+ Owns The Gig and offers riding lessons
+ From the same time line as exconnextdoor
+ Shrewd business woman who has a lot of opinions, a sharp tongue and an attitude
+ Used to run her family's thoroughbred racing farm until being stripped of her racing license for something her brother did
+ Is the product of an affair her father had with a female employee
+ Possibly needs a spreadsheet to keep track of her hook-ups
+ Has no powers except for being a total bitch
+ Owns a four bedroom mansion at 23 Griffin Way
+ Rents an upstairs bedroom to Captain Price
+ Is totally open to being read by telepaths, but be aware that there's a lot of anger in there
+ Tropes: Rich Bitch who becomes Spoiled Sweet, Heel Face Turn, Love Dodecahedron (Dani loves Matt, who loves Kris, who loves Junior, who is Dani's brother), Opposing Sports Teams (Dani's Davis Farm vs Kris's Raintree Farm... really, it's a miracle the girls even get along these days)

Harper Finkle
+ Fandom: Disney Channel's "Wizards of Waverly Place"
+ Is an ordinary mortal and doesn't know (yet) that her best friend is a wizard-in-training
+ Is best friends with stylin_wizard
+ Alex doesn't hide her powers in Fandom, but Harper is really oblivious to a lot of very obvious things
+ Thinks she's a fashion diva and designs her own clothes
+ Has a totally warped sense of fashion
+ Has no powers other than making people cringe at her clothing
+ Can sew and knit as well as make emergency clothing repairs for you
+ Does costumes for the The Boards theater
+ Manages Things Reborn after the business owner left town. No, I don't know how I ended up with 3 characters that manage businesses.
+ Canon has taken her from klutz to head cheerleader in three seasons
+ So Harper joined the Go Gremlins cheerleading squad
+ Though there's new canon about her having a black belt in tae kwon do because Alex cast a spell on her
+ There's a running gag about her parents being separated even though she doesn't realize it
+ Is totally open to being read by telepaths
+ Tropes: Bunny Ears Lawyer, The Klutz, Stalker With A Crush, Dogged Nice Girl, Heterosexual Life Partners with Alex

+ Fandom: "Thundercats"
+ Relocated to an alternate universe version of Earth after his planet blew up
+ Has a tendency to speak very slowly, which I try to remember in narrative. React as you will.
+ Does not eat people or teal deer and might be insulted if you ask
+ Accompanied by Snark, his Non Human Sidekick
+ Works at Café Fina on Tuesdays and Luke's Diner on Wednesdays
+ Has something called the Sword of Omens that is basically one big plot device
+ Might be somewhat nocturnal like all cats
+ Is eager to learn but a little slow
+ Uses the Sword of Omens, which is an Empathic Weapon that projects a Bat Signal
+ Is open to being read to by telepaths
+ Tropes: Hot Blooded, Distracted By the Sexy, Royals Who Actually Do Something

Mike Cannon
+ Fandom: "Las Vegas"
+ From the same time line as Mary Connell
+ Is a former Fandom teacher who is now an ex-pat
+ Is an MIT-educated computer geek who made more money as a Las Vegas valet
+ Was eventually recruited to work casino surveillance since he understood all the computer equipment better than the regular security guys
+ Married a Las Vegas hotel concierge who is the boss's god-daughter
+ Lives in Hawaii, where he is the general manager of the Montecito Royal Hawaiian Villas. His wife is still living in Vegas.
+ Tropes: Black Best Friend, Hollywood Nerd, Almighty Janitor, Estrogen Brigade Bait

+ Goes by Thena
+ Graduate student who is taking evening classes
+ Is OCD enough to have color-coded spreadsheets for fun
+ Midwestern girl who seems to operate on Pacific Time
+ Blames longislandiceme for keeping her up late
+ One of the rare people who does not have a phone with Internet
+ Can be found on AIM as HazDaddyIssues or sometimes MaryHoshi
+ Is usually reachable on Gmail/GTalk as thena.rp.addict
+ E-mail is the best way to contact me, because I can still reply when I'm AFK
+ Can be found on Twitter as Thena and AmeliaSubverxin

There's a lengthy info post about the Arms Hotel. Essentially, if your character needs temporary or semi-permanent living quarters, e-mail me and I'll set you up. For big events with lots of visitors, there will usually be a sign-up post for the hotel in advance. One day I'll get around to writing an info post for The Gig, but if you are interested in renting a horse for the day, e-mail me or just ping into that day's post.

I'll be happy to take questions, suggestions for what I should add to my info posts or any tropes that I may have missed.

ooc: info post

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