becca told me i had a nice butt today.
What happens when you lose sight of everything, even just for a night, then something happens and its all okay, but when you lay down at night to think about how everything's okay, but in the back of your mind, you know that in a few days, you'll feel like you've hit rock bottom again? What happens when no matter how high up on the totem pole you may get, you always feel and know in your heart that it won't last much longer than a few days, if that? What happnes when you really, desperately want everything to work out, but you just don't know what to do to make it work out, no matter how many times you go over it in your head or how many different options you come up with? What happens when what you want more than anything in the world is just to have someone to talk to, but then you turn around and realize that the person you want more than anyone isn't really there at the time when you most desperately need them?