i don't get that angry anymore. today was shitty though.
i read everything everyone is saying and it's really a small world, afterall. we're all cutting down on dairy and getting boyfriends and doing drugs and drinking way too much. we all keep animals as pets, live in houses made of wood that displaced who knows how many species of whatever that don't even exist anymore. we're all comprised of too many faggot hipster wanna-be fit-in's. we're all so desperately wanting, clawing our way, to be on the inside of the outside, so we slide on our oversized sunglasses, eat tofu made to taste like meat, and dirty up the chucks.
lets think for a second and realize that we're just too afraid to be anyone that anyone we know would be dissappointed by.
fuck your speciality stores and your lack of self-esteem. eat something. maybe it's me and i'm just seeing things in a way that is far too removed from a realistic standpoint to really be accurate or worth listening to. or spin me around blindfolded while i point and stop me and watch when no matter which direction i'm facing someone else is dumping dairy because they want to be friends with the myspace kids.
so fuck you and your bullshit whiney cry-on-my-fucking-shoulder-okay-please attention seeking antics. every one of you. here comes your pity parade, okay? don't forget your party hat.
i guess this just gets to me because it seems so forced, and so fake. the fact that anyone discusses their eating habits so openly just speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. should i post the night before i plan to dine in a steakhouse asking what people think of that idea? is it really that public of a matter? if we were all true to ourselves, what anyone else thought would have no bearing on the choices we made.
we're not all so secure. and its a shame. but please, be sure to remind me many times that none of these dishes contain animal products, because i do care, honest.
so you, you, and you. pack up your shit, throw away everything you didnt make, and head out to the woods and live amongst these animals we're so desperately trying to save. the cotton your diesels are made from was grown on plantations that killed so many deer and rabbits and birds. the plastic your oversized shades are molded from caused so much pollution to be put into our air, air that not only humans breathe, but air that cows and chickens and pigs share along with us. let's not be so discriminatory. your changing eating habits is cutting the very least of the damage you're doing as a human being.
on to the other side of the coin now. i would like to thank god for my boyfriend. he is truely amazing in every way.
friday, february 25th is coreographer's showcase. it starts at 7pm and is SO worth going if you don't have any other plans. so please keep it in mind.