Damn, haven't updated this thing in quite some time. The site's been fucking up, oh well. 789 people hate me, but that's nothing new lol. ADD ONNNNN. Yeah. Anyways, I'm off tomorrow and Saturday, oh yes. Time for band practice, and the marijuana smoking ritual. Oh the fun. Peace.
Man, I'm so fucking pissed. These last couple of days have been hell. Shit sucks right now, but oh well, I'll live. Bad things come in threes, and you can't fully trust anyone. Fuck it all man, fuck it all.
Ahh, nothing much really happened today, as usual. Me and Samantha got in a fight, big surprise. She's in an oh I love you mood now, and I don't know why. But yeah, I got nothing accomplished, even though I was supposed to do a few things today. That's why I'm going to bed early tonight. So yea, just a quick update. Peace.