Title: A love taken for granted (a sequel to 5:15)
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: "He knows she doesn’t deserve this. He knows he doesn’t deserve her. But he’s a selfish man. He wants her. No, he needs her."
A/N: I didn't plan to write a sequel, but some homeskillets wanted it. I hope it delivers.
"I wish you didn’t take me for granted
I wish you’d understand the things I do
I wish you’d show me the same love
That I was never tired of showing you
But I’m getting older now
And waiting for you, I’ve grown weary
I’m slowly fading away now
Too soon I’ll be just a painful memory"
He’s done it again. 5:16 and he still hasn’t arrived. She curses at herself for believing him, frustrated that even now, she’s unable to find the will to leave. She’s seething with anger at both him and herself and impulsively goes to the armoire that contains all of his gifts to her and uses her strength to hurl them to the floor. Amongst the letters and books are some glass collectibles that shatter as they hit the oak floor, sending tiny pieces of glass soaring across the room. But her actions provide no relief to the outrage and melancholy that plagues her entire being. She wants to scream, to let it all out, but she’s seized by an impotent anger and feels too weak. So for the second time that day, she slumps to the floor in defeat, ignoring the shards of glass pricking her exposed palms. And all at once, her body convulses and she erupts in painful sobs.
He parks the car at the curb and takes a deep breath to prepare himself for the impending. She has never gotten this angry before and he fears what awaits him. He looks out the window at the house before him and the stone pathway leading to the front porch has never seemed so endless. He knows he shouldn’t waste anymore time, for both her sake and his, so he alights the vehicle and with heavy steps makes his way towards the front door. As he nears its wooden panels, he is overwhelmed by the sudden realization that she might have already left. The thought leaves him dizzy and he struggles to hold onto his sanity. He can’t bear the thought of losing her. He reaches for the door handle with intent and to his surprise it swings open without resistance. Still, it provides no consolation so he hurries inside, frantically shouting her name into the desolate hallway. The only reply is the mock of an echo as it bounces off the walls.
At the opening of the study, he makes out the faint sounds of a sob, and gingerly walks inside. The sight is heartbreaking. She’s crouched down on the floor, with her head burrowed into her knees and her hands lying limply at her sides. She’s surrounded by shards of glass and pieces of paper, but it’s she who looks the most broken. She doesn’t look up when he approaches her and he’s at a lost for the right words. He squats to match her height and with shaky hands, pries her head from her knees. When he finally sees the effects of his abandonment, he’s consumed by fresh guilt and it takes everything he has not to walk away in shame. Her eyes are eerily hollow and wet with tears that spill onto her pallid face. The dark circles surrounding them are telltale signs of sleep depravation and incessant crying. He knows she doesn’t deserve this, and that he doesn’t deserve her, but he’s a selfish man. He wants her. No, he needs her. They are facing each other now, but she refuses to look at him. He notices the faraway look in her eyes as she dissociates from reality to avoid the pain. There’s an immediate pang in his chest and he feels like he has already lost her.
‘Seo Hyun. Seo Hyun baby, look at me. I- I’m sorry,’ he says caressing her face, with the most gentle precision.
She twitches at the touch but gives no further response.
‘Babe, I’m sorry. For everything. I was an idiot. I should’ve taken better care of you. Hyun, look at me. I do care about you and I’m willing to change if you need me too. On my way over here I did some thinking and I couldn’t stand the idea of losing you forever. Please don’t make that a reality. Please give me another chance.’ She stares straight past him, avoiding his gaze completely. He’s pleading now. ‘Seo Hyun, please. Look at me, please’
She finally looks at him, the indecision naked in her eyes. ‘I have given you many chances, and you’ve broken me time and time again. What’s different this time? How am I to be sure you won’t do this again? I need to save myself before I can no longer get out.’
‘Because I won’t. Trust me Seo Hyun. I need you. Seo Hyun, I-, I lo-‘
‘No, no no no no. I don’t want to hear it. Please,’ she begs, clutching unto his hands in desperation now ‘Don’t.’ She knows that if he says those three words, her resolve would come crashing down on her like a pile of bricks, and it’ll be long before she can find her way out. She’s spent too much time trying to salvage pieces of her broken heart to have it ripped out of her chest again.
He’s on the brink of tears, but he pushes on. ‘But I do. I really do. I love you. Seo Hyun, I am in love with you. Please.’
She shakes her head vehemently, as though trying to erase the idea. She comes to after a while and replies impertinently that she needs sleep. He doesn’t question this and helps her from the floor. She doesn’t protest, but when she’s upright, she tugs her hand away from his and continues to the bedroom. When he reaches the doorway, she’s already curled up into a ball, fast asleep. Sighing, he goes into the kitchen to prepare some soup. On the counter are the pancakes she made prior to his arrival and he sighs regrettably. He can’t help himself from checking on her every five minutes to make certain that she’s all right, but he knows viscerally that its not his sole reason. He’s afraid that she might leave him. It’s the first time he’s truly appreciated her importance. When everything’s so tangible, he’d be a fool not to. He finally understands how she would feel every time he didn’t come home or didn’t text or call. She needed assurance of his safety and now he felt that too. It makes him wish he had been a better partner, but the past can’t be undone. He can only control the future, so he promises to be a better man. This time, it won’t be broken.
When he finishes cooking the meal, he goes into the bedroom to wake her. In her sleep she looks serene, completely bereft of any pain or discomfort and he knows he’d be a terrible person if he takes even that away from her. So he just stands and stares, but it’s not enough. Soon he’s on the bed lying next to her, and the need to feel her in his arms overcomes him. Gently, he pulls her body against his and revels in the security it provides. In her arms, he lets go of all inhibitions and finally allows himself to cry.
The small vibrations of his body rouse her and she is startled to see Yong Hwa at her side. She is about to tell him to leave when she notices the raw pain etched on his face. His eyes are glistening with tears and thousands of apologies and the sight tugs on her heartstrings. He gets up to go, to give her space, but she pulls him back like she always does. This time he stays.
A/N: Most of my endings are very ambiguous. There's almost always no real conclusion, because in life there never really is. The only certain conclusion is death. That sounds terrible.