Ah, it appears that Elizabeth and I have been entrusted to create the next BRaWLDOS challenge. I am uncertain as to why, and can only assume the honour has been given to us as a bribe to get free cookies at the Annual Joui Bake Sale for the Funding of a Better Japan Through Legitimate and Surely Non-Deceptive Means and Explosions.
BRaWLDOS, you go too far. A samurai is not such a shameless creature as to accept bribes, like some hack ninja or Pokemon trainer. You will pay for your sprinkle-pink sugar cookies like everyone else. Which are a steal at 420 yen! 420 yen! Get them while they are fresh out of the oven! Save Japan while catering to your pathetic weakness for sweets!
That being said, I present to Brawl at large the next BRaWLDOS challenge.
This is Glasses Shintaro. Some of you may be familiar with him, if you can remember who he is for extended periods of time, or are near-sighted and need him to correct your poor vision. As you can see, his character design lacks something we in the unfortunate business of Anime like to call, "character." He also lacks "design." He is so bland that he is blurring into the background of charming techni-colour Elizabeths [♥ Elizabethzuuu!].
I will remove the Elizabeths so you may notice him. I have drawn arrows to key points which need to be corrected.
It is up to you, Brawlers, to make Shinglasses-san a character worthy of Paatama Katsutama Nekotama being a character. You may ask, "Katsura-san, how do I do such a thing? This task seems insurmountable, and kind of a waste of time. I could be playing Mario Tennis instead, or strapping bombs to the fenders of corrupt Government officials." And I will reply with, "It truly will not take much, anything would be an improvement on the original. Can I borrow your Mario Tennis cartridge? Mine got blown up by the police."
Ways in which you can improve on Glassestaro-san's character are;
一 Adding/removing elements from
this picture, using CGI laser-light show technology or MS Paint. Bring him into focus! Ganbatte!
二 Writing a character history/origins story that people will actually remember [his current one is... ah... oh].
三 Writing fanfiction which stars the New and Improved Taroglasses-san displaying his New and Improved character/powers/adorable animal companion. [Please keep in mind that all entries containing yaoi will be disqualified for very poor taste, and sent to the corner.]
四 Drawing a completely new Pachinearsighted-san from scratch. This may be the easiest option.
五 Photoshopping any picture of the current Blahpachi-san into something acceptable and not megane.
六 Putting together an elaborate kabuki production to illustrate how he is doing it wrong, and how, in the future, he may do it right, or fall in love with his sister's fiancee's rugby coach's daughter.
七 Koba cream puff 570 yen.
八 Chocolate hat 300 yen.
九 Shu mai pan 600 yen.
十 Come one, come all to the Annual Joui Bake Sale for the Funding of a Better Japan Through Legitimate and Surely Non-Deceptive Means and Explosions.
Entries due by September 19th. The winner of Brawlpachi will be awarded the satisfaction of knowing that they are better than Sorachi-san at creating likable characters, two sheets of scratch'n'sniff stickers, and the chance to pick the next challenge.
Go, fight, buy pastries!