My cousin's wedding is in March, and I have to pick a bridesmaid's dress. She picked the dress line and the color, and we can pick our individual designs. I decided to conduct an LJ poll. There's one I'm leaning towards, but I want to know what you think:
The candidates )
Comments 5
I hope this is the one you were leaning toward already =D
I thought the main appeal of the third one was that it had a poufy skirt and would disguise my pear shape better. All my favorite dresses on the website (the ones that were timeless and elegant, which I would be happy to wear forever) were "tissue taffeta" and therefore couldn't even be contenders (the requirement is that the dresses are "Euro Satin" and in the color "Euro wine"....I can see Mary snickering about this as we speak, btw).
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