I hated her so much! It, it, the, it, flames, flames, flames... on the side of my face. Breathing, breathless, heaving breaths, heaving...
And a cookie goes to the person who can tell me what movie that's from.
New Girl. Hate her. Hate her with a passion. And I say that I hate people and usually don't mean it. This time? Oh yeah. There's so much I can say about her, but I have no idea where to even begin. And if you're actually reading this I apologize in advance for how crazy this is going to seem.
I hate her for personal reasons and I hate her because she sucks at her job. Let's make a list, shall we?
Personal reasons:
- she has low self esteem and feels that she has to tell me about all these guys that seem to fall in love with her every five minutes. i hate to sound rude or obnoxious, but she's nothing to take a double take at. to put it bluntly, she's a dog. and i feel bad for all the dogs in the world for putting her in that category.
- she always has these asinine stories that i'm forced to listen to because can't get away from her. i could be in the middle of telling her something work related and when i take a breath, she'll go into her family, her pets, or friends.
- her laugh is like nails on a chalkboard. and she laughs when she talks. do you know what i mean? it's really hard to explain, but i can't stand that. i can't stand for anybody to do that but when she does it i want to strangle her.
Work reasons:
- she doesn't listen. you could tell her how to do something 5 times and she still doesn't understand.
- when i get on to her about something she's done wrong, she doesn't apologize or even seem like she's sorry.
- she doesn't do anything on her own free will. you always have to tell her to do something. good thing is, she will do it, but i shouldn't have to tell her every. single. time.
- when i'm showing her something new, she doesn't seem to pay attention. doesn't even take notes. and when i leave her to do it on her own, she ends up doing it wrong and i either have to re-explain or do it myself.
Both of these lists can go on, but I think I got to the core of my problems with her. My stress level is through the roof right now. And I know that I should go to my boss about all of this, but my boss already has enough on her plate and I feel I shouldn't add more to it. My boss counts on me to run this store because she currently can't (she's in school to get her doctorate degree) and I don't want her to think I'm losing control.
At the same time, I can't let this go on. It's bad for me and it's bad for my boss. There's times that I think maybe I should look for another job. But I would be a fool to leave this job. I love my boss and I've got it good here.
I have no other choice to let my boss know that I'm not happy. And I'm honestly not looking to get New Girl fired. I just want her to understand that she has to do what she's told to do and to do it right.
In conclusion, I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her I hate her...