Dec 05, 2004 18:11

For Kimie, and Lisa, and Ally, and Viv, and Kathy, and Ian, and Sadie...

it's just all so true...*sniff*

1. You hear music on the radio and you start marking time.
3. You try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
4. All your friends are in band.
5. You don't mind changing clothes on the bus (see below).
6. You know how to change on the bus without revealing anything.
7. People ask you about your social life and you say "Oh you mean my flute?"
8. You've had a "trombone-ectomy" (shudder).
9. You practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog.
10. Being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life.
12. You remember sharps and flats more easily than you remember the name of the president.
13. You've named your instrument.
14. You see your section more than you see your family.
15. Everyone wants to kill the other football team...and you want to kill the other band.
16. You have dreams about selling band candy.
17. You accidentally call your band director "Dad".
18. Reeds taste good.
19. You subconsciously start practicing with a pencil.
21. You're alone and you suffocate because no one's telling you to breathe.
22. The band room is your second home. It is your home if you've got it bad.
23. You think a national monument should be built honoring John Philip Sousa. Hell, they should just chip off one of those president heads and put it there.
24. You've actually been to band camp and consider it the highlight of your summer.
25. You recite the alphabet A through G then start back at A again.
26. Someone could empty their spit valve on your shoe and you wouldn't care.
27. Spit rags/swabbers don't gross you out (see above).
28. You carry cork grease in your pocket.
30. 9/2 time scares the b'jeezus out of you, while dying a slow painful death in a pit of snakes doesn't.
31. Your philosophy is: "If you don't have your mouthpiece then what the heck is that noise coming out of your mouth?"
32. You and your pals have memorized the entire repertoire for the year and can play your respective parts together...on kazoos.
34. You don't describe people by going "She's got brown hair, dark eyes, kind of tall..", but go "She's an alto sax."
35. Your conductor is your hero.
36. You have a designated section in your closet dubbed "for concert attire".
37. You have a harness/neck strap tan line.
39. You go around humming the last song you practiced, even if it's Bb major scale.
40. A random person could punch you in the face and you wouldn't respond, but you'll fight to the death over who in your section gets to play the solo.
41. Someone yells out "Hey Tuba boy!" and you respond.
44. You listen to the classical station and can name off songs that you remember playing in band.
47. You've seen "Mr.Holland's Opus" 26 times.
48. Everybody in band fights like they're family.
50. You have dents in your furniture from hitting it with drumsticks or spit stains from emptying your valve.

52. You point out key changes and dynamics when you listen to the radio.
53. You can strip out of your uniform in less than a minute WITHOUT getting it on the floor in order to use the bathroom.
58. You point out instruments from the music in cartoons.
59. You're still humming band music from three years ago.
64. Your English teacher is discussing banned bookes and you think - "band books?"
65. You sit at what is known by all as the "Band Table" in the cafeteria.
68. You either hate orchestra or are incredibly envious of it.
73. You're feeling sick at school, but you don't go home until after band.
74. Your friends (uh... friend) who aren't in band hang out in the band room before class starts.
76. You still and always will find "Sax-a-ma-PHONE!" entertaining.
81. People you haven't seen since elementary school go up to you and say "Hey, you're that one clarinet girl!"
92. You go into spasms if you aren't in the same room as your instrument for more than two hours.
99. You listen to band demo CDs in your car.
100. Your CDs consist of mainly orchestral/band music.

104. Normal people argue about the Vikings vs. the Packers, you argue about brass vs. woodwinds.
105. Looking at pictures of new instruments turns you on.
106. You know the difference between a baritone and a euphonium.
107. Every research paper you've ever done has been on a composer or arts in the schools.
108. Your band director bans "Louie Louie" in order to play new music.
109. You're upset when you make a 99 in band.
110. You've broken into the band room at least once.
112. You're copying an assignment for another class and you write "Reed pgs150-267", and don't notice it's wrong.
113. You can tune a sax.
114. You don't take "double tounging" as a dirty joke.
115. You sit around in class and try to think of new band nerd jokes.
116. A piccolo doesn't hurt your ears.
117. You can play four different instruments, and your mood decides which one you play.
118. Your idea of a recliner is a music posture chiar.
120. You've been in a room with over 300 people practicing breath accent cut offs... and there wasn't a director in sight.
121. People call you Flute Girl, but only because you look and sound like her - you really play the trumpet.
130. You wish you were at school on the weekends because you forgot to bring your instrument home.
131. You compose music in all of your classes and during lunch.
132. You build a website just for your band. Hmm, should I take this as inspiration..?.
133. You start humming a show tune from three years ago and your friends join in with their respective parts.
134. On band trips (or anywhere), you and your friends play "Guess That Song" - one person hums a song the band has plays and the others guess what it is.
135. You've had band camp nightmares.
136. You sit with your band director during band trips. Or on the city bus.
137. The only reason you're looking forward to Spring Break is because that's when the band trip is.
139. You stay after school or during lunch to play around with songs with your other band friends.
140. You consider your band director one of your closest friends.
141. You don't like people because they don't like band.
143. You enjoy going to early/late band. Who cares if it's at the crack of dawn, it's the highlight of your day.
145. You refer to other schools as "Oh yeah, that's the one with the band that played _____", or "We beat their band."
157. You've tested to see if you can fit in a tuba case.
158. You can confidently tell your friends whether you can or cannot fit into a tuba case.
160. You know what a piccolo trumpet is.
165. Instead of doing physics homework, you figure out the frequencies (in Hz) of every note in band. (See below)
167. You figure out the exact hearing range of a newborn child... in concert pitches (almost 11 octaves: low Eb to high D).
168. You actually practice.
169. Every person you're currently interested in dating is a band member.
170. You refer to people by their instrument, as in Tuba Mike.

175. You've tried out every instrument in the band room, regardless of who played it last.
176. The word "fluglehorn" doesn't send you into a fit of giggles.
177. You've spent more money on reeds than on food.
178. Your most used turn-down line is "Sorry, I've got band that night."
179. Telling someone they blow is a compliment.
180. You subdivide while talking.
181. You can quote current prices for mouthpieces.
182. You can identify any instrument and who it belongs to by it's case.
183. You know where every single dent in your instrement came from, or:
184. There isn't a single dent in your instrument because you flip out any time it gets one, so you sprint to the repair shop right away to get it fixed. Bill the repair man won't care if it's 11:30 at night, right?
185. "Rushing" and "dragging" are technical terms to you.
186. You tell time in measures.
194. You and your friends eat lunch in the band room.
196. The word "fingering" doesn't make you think gross thoughts.
201. You've been in Band so long that your uniform acutally fits now.
205. You've seen a trumpet player's lips get stuck to his mouthpiece because it was so cold outside. Moral of story: don't play the trumpet.
207. When a teacher yells at you for talking in class, it's usually because you were talking about band.
208. You have certain songs that your bus sings on every bus ride, and you have to supress the urge to belt them out on non-band bus rides.
212. You see your fellow band members more than your siblings, and your director and instructors more than your parents.
213. You and your friends gossip about the instructors' personal lives, and somehow find it more entertaining than gossip about people your own age.
214. Yet, you do still enjoy gossiping about people in band, and you know that if you're in band, your personal life is no longer personal, and there's no point in trying to keep it that way.
215. You go up to the band room to practice during all of your study halls, not just because you need to practice, but because you want to be in the band room.
220. Your idea of a fun Saturday night is spending it at a band competition and the bus ride home.
222. You can tune a piccolo.
223. Tuning out the trumpets is second nature to you.
238. If you're in the clarinet or flute section, you meet a new person every day that you didn't know was in your section
254. You spend hours a day trying to think up something good to put on the 'You know you're a band geek when...' list.
255. You know your a band geek when you have dated someone from each section of the band... including the drummers.
261. You hear a story of some random band idiot and automatically assume it was a drummer (or in extreme cases, a trumpet).
263. You have more music than notes and textbooks combined.
265. More than half of your shirts are band related.
266. ...and you actually wear them...
267. ...on the same days as your section.
269. You find that most of your closest friends belong to band. Other people just can't relate.
272. You spend as much time practicing your instrument(s) as you spend doing homework. Wrong notes are something that happens to other people.
273. You download songs that you play in band because they're so much better than the songs playing on the radio.
274. You want to be a band director when you grow up.
275. You rank your fellow band members in order of their nerdiness.
276. You become psychotic with rage upon finding out that you are only second on said nerdiness list.
277. When "Greensleeves" is in your repetoire, you start wearing green shirts to band in order to subconsciously convince your director to let you play it.
279. After school every day you go directly to the band room and talk to your band director and band friends and order pizza with him.Ê
280. You are angry that your band director doesnt have the same lunch as you.
284. Your favorite memories and stories are from band trips.
285. You've developed an infatuation for your director.
289. You have a farmer's tan from the last band camp.
296. When you're kicked out of the band room for lunch you have absolutely no idea where you're going to go.

297. You can't picture yourself dating/marrying a non-band person.
299. People don't believe you when you say band chicks/guys are hot.
302. You speak more than 25 words in Latin, French, and Italian (poco meno moso, anyone?)
303. Your instrument cost you more than your car.
311. You've invented a new acronym for the order of sharps.
318. You've ever tried to play two instruments at once.
319. ... and you succeeded.
322. You have ever used cork grease for chapstick.

324. You regularly order pizza to the band room for lunch because it has its own outside door.
329-338 are for us university band geeks:
329. You still cry when you hear the band-bus theme song from your senior year.
330. You actually go to college intending to major in music education.
331. All your friends are music ed majors or in the marching band.
332. Your first criteria for college is that it have a marching band, even though you intend to major in something else. (Like history, or science...)
333. Your college essay is all about how marching band was the best thing that ever happened to you.
350. People stop calling you a band nerd because you take it as a compliment.

351. You get excited when the staff finally gets a new tuner.
352. You encourage your director to set out said tuner so you can try it out.
357. You judge another player by the hardness of their reeds/size of their mouthpiece.
358. The song "Seventy-Six Trombones" bothers you, because everyone knows you can't just have ONE tuba in a band.
359. When non-band people have band questions, they come to you first.
369. You have a broken knee cap and can barley move, but still come to school just in time for band class (last period of the day).
371. You go through you scales on you imaginary instrument during U.S. History class.
375. You wait outside the band room every morning for the band director to arrive.
381. If an adminstator wants to find you, all they have to do is walk down to the band room.
390. You get upset because you have to miss the band car wash.
394. Someone will start singing a section of a piece in the halls and everyone will jump in with their parts in perfect harmony.
395. You can have a whole conversation with each other by just singing lyrics from various broadway musicals such as RENT and Chicago.
399. Your younger siblings can sing your show music forwards and backwards from all of the times you've practiced it at home.
400. You're reading this now instead of doing a midterm paper due tomorrow.

404. You can't figure out how you ever lived without band before you started playing your instrument.
409. You take it personally when your band director remarks that your note is flat.
414. Finger your parts. Come on, you know you want to.

423. All the parties you have outside of band end up being band parties anyway. Who else would you invite?
428. More than half the songs on your MP3 playlist are band songs.
429. You hear your insturment in all symphonic songs. "Ooh! I hear a french horn! That's me!" or "Did you hear that bass clarinet stinger?"
431. "Push it in" and "Pull out" are perfectly acceptable terms for tuning.
436. You can clap, sing, and sizzle almost any rythm put in front of you.
440. You ask to be the chaperone on your high school band's trips the year after you graduate.
441. At least one of the pictures in your room is of you in a band uniform.
444. The stands next to the band are reserved for the band parents.
448. If I say "One-ee and-a two-ee and-a" you can draw a picture of it.
457. Conversations don't get interesting until the topic of "band" comes in.
465. You can mentally replay every song in your bands repertoire from memory, down to the trumpet solo.
473. You're in Jazz band and become bitter enemies with your best friends from the Concert bands.
478. You take Italian just so you can show off your smarts on your next music theory exam.
501. You can read a twelve bar blues.
502. And solo to it. (see above)
503. And make it sound decent. (see above)
504. And you're not in jazz band. (see above)
508. You get "SAX ARMY" printed on your letterman jacket.
510. You have a Percy Grainger t-shirt (mine is yellow).
512. The whole band is on your buddy list.
515. You play air French Horn.
522. You're still kicking yourself for missing that one practice where all the flutes played in tune with each other.
525. You use your band teacher as your councelor, advisor, and shoulder to lean on.

526. Your pet(s) run away when you open your horn case.
548. You have your own practice room.
560. All your non band friends hate you because the conversation always turns to band stuff.
564. Your sole basis for dating a guy is what instrument he plays.
565. Your band-mates all have band-related screen names
566. You can tune almost any instrument, and play exerpts from a solo of such, but you can't figure out how to type.
575. You have a year-long argument over which is a subdivision of which: emo, or punk, and then you compromise by saying band music beats all.
587. You notice the school bell is out of tune.
589. You get enraged whenever anyone gives you the American Pie joke, even if you've never seen American Pie.
599. Singing on the bus after away games is called "Bus Choir".
600. Bus Choir kicks the actual choir's ass.

606. Your license plate says "BNDGK"
608. While reading some of these things you say "wow that sounds like a great idea!" and then you go and do it.
610. You know the band directors from other schools.
611. You've had to buy extra memory space for you computer because of all the classical midi files and downloadable sheet music you've saved.
649. The highlight of your weekend was the party at your music instructors house.
653. You lock your car doors and you try to match the pitch of the beep with a note.
684. You've had a crush on the band director's son.
696. You have keys to the music department building and you carry then with you at all times.
700. Your behavior is excused when you say "I'm with the band."
703. You give your concert band a name.
704. American Overture for band has been played so many times that you have it memorized. And it turns you on.
726. You still go back to your old school for concerts, even though it's a four hour drive.
731. You think lower of people who cant read music
732. You've witnessed your director hit someone in the head with a baton.
734. You've seen a tuba mute.
745. You've created band mythology.
747. You make up lyrics for concert pieces.
749. Your director has adopted you.
752. You dream about practice.
765. You want band songs played at all your milestone events (i.e. wedding).
769. You walk through the halls practicing double tonguing regardless of the weird looks you are getting.
771. People can't stop singing once they start singing.
772. When there's a tornado warning, you immediately take your adored clarinet into the closet with you.
773. You use pick up lines, like, "I'm a fermata... hold me."
777. You never want to graduate so you can stay in band.
783. You're surprised when people's personalities don't match their instrument.
789. You go back to be a "chaperone" on your high school's tour.
798. Your band director tells you that you spend too much time in the band room.
807. After hours of band practice, you have an uncontrollable urge to practice at home - even though your are in terrible pain because your mouth is on the verge of bleeding.
815. The band gossip is better than all the soap operas put together.
818. Off the top of your head, you can think of at least 87 dirty jokes about saxophones.
825. You embroider "bandgeek" on all of your clothes.

i miss band and choir now...A LOT.
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