
Jul 01, 2007 16:10

Today we lost our first active member of MJD by dropping (as opposed to being kicked out)

I'm really depressed about it.

Not because she dropped (but that IS sad, I really liked her), but because she dropped because she felt uncomfortable. The fact that this community that I had helped grow from a little baby thought and I have been completely obsessive over it ever since (chou you may consider it mostly sa's, but I consider it mine as well. I've actually referred to it as my baby on many occasions).

I know why she left.

And I don't want to yell at Sa. I want to believe that she didn't mean to scare Kei off, but I don't know.

Maybe it saddens me so much because she reminded me of myself? Kei told me that she hates poking other people to the point that she has to build up her confidence a few moments in advance to do so *has same problem* She was pratically in tears when I e-mailed her to make sure she read the manual, and we both think people don't like us when we IM them and they don't reply for a long time...(don't worry venny, I'm not talking about you).

She was an excellent RPer, and I really enjoyed her Jun doll. Who cares if it seemed to act a little more advanced? He was a 7TH GENERATION, Nana acted rather advanced as well. I mean she flipped people off!

I just really feel depressed.

I want MajorinettDOCKA to be a comfortable place to RP, I don't want it to seem like we're too good for people. I want us to seem friendly and not uptight. Sure it's a place for "Logs with Effort" but that doesn't mean that we have to seem evil. I've heard about so many places like that! I want MJD to be different!!

I'm babbling.. but I was really affected by this.. I mean I keep wanting to IM Kei and be like: DX STAY I'LL YELL AT SA AND YOU'RE FINE, ALL THE OTHER MODS AND MEMBERS LOVE YOU! But I know that's wrong. It'll make Kei feel worse, and I'll start a huge arguement with Sa, which might jeopardize the community itself.

I don't want to do that.
That's why I'm ranting.

I don't want to yell at you Sa. I don't want to ruin anything. Though I wonder since you've been complaining about Kei from DAY ONE and she's really done nothing wrong. Just a few simple mistakes that EVERYONE's done.

And you never complained about them.

As I said before I consider MJD my baby. And I just want people who are sensitive like me to feel comfortable and okay with it.

I hope Kei finds another RP that she enjoys. She is seriously one of the nicest people ever.

I'll miss her.

And I'm done. I hope that my ickiness is all let out now. I don't want to be mad at Sa, I really don't, especially since Venn just got there (or will be getting there soon) and she's ready to bounce around and have some fun.


I love you Sa, okay? I just wish you'd be a little nicer to the members ♥ I think Kei was the first one you seemed to single out though, you're all lovey on the rest of them so I hope this was a one time thing.

I hate being mad at you ;_;

♥ ♥ ♥

I hope you're having fun.


And Aa.'s already regretting the divorce...
PMSy bastard -_-''' I think he and kirito will get into a fight just because that's funny... (won't you love that? They'll be fighting over you!... >_>)



>_> *sigh* for once ranting hasn't exactly helped.. though I don't think I'm on the verge of yelling at Sa anymore.. that's a start...

I still want to IM Kei with a great big SORRY ;_; THAT YOU FEEL YOU WERE TREATED WRONGLY!!!!

I might scare her then ;_; *should take her off her buddylist so that she never gets the urge to*

..It's lonely online right now.....


majorinettdocka, emo

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