Title: unspoken Pairing: matsumiya Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance , fluff. Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: But all of that changed when Jun waltzed into his life.
Awesome! I need more Matsumiya in my life XD, especially Matsumiya fluff because I read a very tragic Matsumiya fic a few days ago and cried tears because of it. This was so sweet and cute and just the very tranquil atmosphere and easy way Nino and Jun in this story interact was so heartwarming. Thank you for sharing!
thank you ^___^ it means alot to me XD you know, i think jun and nino fit each others personality perfectly. and if you look closely jun usually pays special attention to nino. eh???? which one???? of course....recently there hasn't been any matsumiya >.< that's why i decided to do something about it :P i actually have a valentine version too, maybe i should go for it next XD
awww, a very cute matsumiya together on a tiny bed!! okay i need to stop imagining things, haha, but really you're awesome, i always wait for your works, :D
*___* i know, i would pay alot of money to see this image XD these two beautiful creatures *___* squeezed together *____* on the same bed *__* i actually got the idea from one of their shiyagare episode where nino said that his bed is not that big, so here we go XD thank you so much for reading <3
That was sweet! I took your poll and after reading Savage Love again.....I now remember this one and that it was stopped on such a cliffhanger! I've reread it so I'm ready for another chapter. Please? : )
Comments 12
you know, i think jun and nino fit each others personality perfectly. and if you look closely jun usually pays special attention to nino.
eh???? which one???? of course....recently there hasn't been any matsumiya >.< that's why i decided to do something about it :P i actually have a valentine version too, maybe i should go for it next XD
i actually got the idea from one of their shiyagare episode where nino said that his bed is not that big, so here we go XD
thank you so much for reading <3
Thank you for this <3
like i said, i have a valentine version of this verse...hmmm...maybe i should go for it next XD
thanks aloooot for reading <3
ill try to update soon :)
thanks alot for reading <3
I hope it's longer XD
but ill do y best <3 :*
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