Title: when Hercules fell in love with a brat (chapter 7/8) Pairing: Sakumiya Characters: Ohno satoshi (story teller), Aiba masaki (Pegasus), Ogura (Zeus), Gackt (Hades), Matsumoto jun (Phil) Beta: dear
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Thank you for continuing this fic!! omg this is the first time someone dedicated a fic to me.. I'm so happy thank you so much!!! I love all your stories!! Hope u write more in the future~
and this came at the right time as i am really craving for sakumiya fics.. it is very rare these days!! Justice for sakumiya xD!! I cant wait for the next chapter~
sorry for the late reply to your comment and yes i was planning to continue and finish it but you know how RL is so i kept postponing it, but your comment gave me energy to finish it in the next day or two. i promise :*
Dont worry I understand.. I too have been away from the internet for several months because of RL problems xD.. anyway i'm just happy to know that u'll be continuing this fic.. i'll patiently wait for the next chapter.. and also btw i just wanna ask if u'll still continue the savage love too?
actually im writing the last chapter right now ^^" so hopefully it'll be over by tomorrow then itll be in the hand of my beta ^3^ oh i feel you how hard RL can be. well im not planning on dropping any of my fics, ill continue savage love for sure, left it at a cliffhanger ^^" but before that i have an other project, so ill probably have a poll ^^ thanks again <3
Comments 10
Nino!!!! NOOOO!!! Sho! get him back, you got to get him back no matter what!
Thank you for continuing this fic! and much thanks to meeka09 for her kind words.
and yesss for the background and banner!! Sakumiyaaa!! <3
Thank you for continuing this fic!!
omg this is the first time someone dedicated a fic to me..
I'm so happy thank you so much!!!
I love all your stories!! Hope u write more in the future~
and this came at the right time as i am really craving for sakumiya fics.. it is very rare these days!! Justice for sakumiya xD!!
I cant wait for the next chapter~
thank you
i hope somehow sho can get nino back
hopefully ill finish it in a day or two ;)
Commenting here to say that i'm still waiting for the last chapter of this fic xD.
I hope u could update this when u got time..
Thank you~
sorry for the late reply to your comment and yes i was planning to continue and finish it but you know how RL is so i kept postponing it, but your comment gave me energy to finish it in the next day or two.
i promise :*
Dont worry I understand.. I too have been away from the internet for several months because of RL problems xD.. anyway i'm just happy to know that u'll be continuing this fic.. i'll patiently wait for the next chapter.. and also btw i just wanna ask if u'll still continue the savage love too?
Ganba to ur RL stuffs.. hope everything's fine ^^
oh i feel you how hard RL can be.
well im not planning on dropping any of my fics, ill continue savage love for sure, left it at a cliffhanger ^^"
but before that i have an other project, so ill probably have a poll ^^
thanks again <3
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