Title: Flower Pairing: matsumiya Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: in their concert Jun and Nino gave each other flowers XD.“you brought back the yellow flower?”Jun asked in surprise as he took the flower from the nightstand
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Finally, someone wrote about that sweet Matsumiya moment in Are you happy. Thank you so much! And please please write about the first time they confess! Thanks for sharing this sweet fic! You made my day!
im glad you write this. all i can think if i make a post about the concert is my matsumiya feeling blossoming. well if you have time, please write it. thank you! :)
Sweetttttt.... amai ne^^. I haven't watch the concert yet. You made me crazy because I really want to watch the concert NOW...ohh my matsumiyaaa.. Thanks for sharing this beautiful fic. Love you!!
Ahhh~ as expected, I really love your writing. Especially your angst. You slay those angsty story perfectly. Miss your story, and I understand about the writer's block. I usually listen to old english songs to summon (lol) my motivation to write. isnt working much since I only managed to write like...10 lines or something hahaha. But most of the time, I try to imagine what I want them to be doing and then I can write. XD Anyway, all the best overcoming the block! *sending you all of my powers*
thank you. i've been dreaming about their moments in are you happy. the concert is my personal favorite because of matsumiya.
NotE1: should i write it from another angle? :-? like first time they confess? >>> yes please
anyway i just watched their “are you happy” concert today and it was full of matsumiya moments *_______* >>> yes! someone look it at the same angle as mine. although they're not overly interact, there's always a shot of them together or side by side, in the making also, you can see matsumiya in the background (especially during aiba's training)
Comments 6
And please please write about the first time they confess!
Thanks for sharing this sweet fic! You made my day!
all i can think if i make a post about the concert is my matsumiya feeling blossoming.
well if you have time, please write it.
thank you! :)
Thanks for sharing this beautiful fic. Love you!!
i've been dreaming about their moments in are you happy.
the concert is my personal favorite because of matsumiya.
NotE1: should i write it from another angle? :-? like first time they confess? >>> yes please
anyway i just watched their “are you happy” concert today and it was full of matsumiya moments *_______* >>> yes! someone look it at the same angle as mine. although they're not overly interact, there's always a shot of them together or side by side, in the making also, you can see matsumiya in the background (especially during aiba's training)
Thanks a lot for this.
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