Do you plan on attending prom?
Which proms?
Why are you going to prom?
It's a tradition.
What is the theme of your prom?
We're cool and don't have one.
Are you part of the prom committee?
What do you look forward to the most at prom?
Dress to Impress
Have you bought your date a boutonniere?
No... Not yet.
What color is it?
I haven't done this.
What color is your dress?
Short dress or long dress?
Poofy or form fitted?
I guess pouffy...
Where did you get your dress?
Vincent's fave vintage shop.
How much did your dress cost?
Why does this matter?
Who is paying for your dress?
... Me.
How are you getting to prom?
I don't know.
Why are you going to prom with that transportation?
Srsly, what is this question?
Bikini Wax?
You and Your Date
Did you or someone else buy the tickets?
He did.
Have you bought your ticket?
No, because (see above).
Who are you going to prom with?
He has great teeth.
Is your date taller or shorter than you?
. . .
What do you like most about your date?
The least?
His ears. (I love his ears.)
Are you going with a group to prom?
Yes. I think.
Why or why not?
Because of reasons. We are a group and it's our last prom and before we all go off places. It's a celebration and aren't parties more fun with parties?
Where are you eating dinner at?
The prom.
Because it's part of the deal.
Dancing the Night Away
Are you more of a dancer or observer?
Freak dance or slow dance?
Dance with small group or go all around?
Um. Small group.
Wear heels or go barefoot?
Take breaks or non stop dancing?
Non stop anything is neither fun nor practical.
Are you getting your photo taken at prom?
Yes. What does this have to do with dancing?
Are you going to vote for prom king and queen at prom?
Yes. What does this have to do with dancing?
The After Party
Do you plan on getting a hotel room after prom?
Yes. I think.
Why or why not?
Do you plan on getting wasted or stoned before, during or after prom?
What do you plan on doing when prom is over?
I don't know. I don't have plans. I don't care.
Are you going to eat breakfast somewhere after prom?
I plan to eat breakfast again in my life, yes.
Do you plan on going home after prom?
Probably eventually. But you never know. Maybe I'll run away to New Zealand.