As soon as possible, and before you take any actions based on what you may have read. I'd like to meet somewhere that others would not be able to overhear our conversations. There are personal issues that may come up that I'd rather no one know about.
Before long, Dr. Statler was waiting for his warden. There was nothing he could do about her having information on him. Normally he'd consider killing her as a last resort should she refuse to cooperate, but seeing as she'd simply come back, it would hardly be a viable option. The best thing to do, then, was damage control.
Ziva finished up a few things before making her way over the CES figuring that the man donning the large white lab-coat most certainly had to be her inmate. He was taller than her and had more girth and inwardly she was going through her head about ways to reprimand him - should it come to that.
Ziva was rather impressed that he was willing to cooperate. It looked as if she had gotten lucky this far with her inmates - but she wasn't about to jump to conclusions.
"Dr. Statler?" She asked briefly walking up closer to the large dome.
"Miss Da'vid?" he asked, turning to greet her. Beginning to walk with her, Dr. Statler decided to begin their discussion. He was, after all, very eager to figure out some way to deal with the issue of now having a warden. "How much of my file have you read? Are you aware of the crimes I am in here for?"
He was, of course, but whether she knew his crimes or not would determine his tactic.
Comments 18
Ziva was rather impressed that he was willing to cooperate. It looked as if she had gotten lucky this far with her inmates - but she wasn't about to jump to conclusions.
"Dr. Statler?" She asked briefly walking up closer to the large dome.
He was, of course, but whether she knew his crimes or not would determine his tactic.
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