we are bad at1 ironing shirts. 1idiot2. jeremiah is me2ssing with what i a3m trying to type so sor3ry3 this is 11pretty gay . but i am23 having fun1. haha 2je2r2eiah is so cool2 its rid1iculous h1e cooks us good 2dinner. 4i like sta1ying up alte a2nd talking about 1boys and whatn1ot. haha2. crus3hes are fun4 until yo2u get crus`hed. if yo2u know what i m3ean fooooo`ol. becau`se th`at is wh2y they are called crus2hes.
Comments 2
we are bad at1 ironing shirts. 1idiot2. jeremiah is me2ssing with what i a3m trying to type so sor3ry3 this is 11pretty gay . but i am23 having fun1. haha 2je2r2eiah is so cool2 its rid1iculous h1e cooks us good 2dinner. 4i like sta1ying up alte a2nd talking about 1boys and whatn1ot. haha2. crus3hes are fun4 until yo2u get crus`hed. if yo2u know what i m3ean fooooo`ol. becau`se th`at is wh2y they are called crus2hes.
oh shi1zzle. kbye2.
we are **AMAZING at ironing shirts
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