[ACTION: Somewhere in Mayfield]
[When it comes down to it, Logan is a pretty logical guy. If there are traitors, he'll kill them. If strange mushrooms suddenly appear on the ground overnight, he won't eat them. Not knowingly anyway. But a man gets hungry. Even if he doesn't eat much, he still needs something to keep himself going. Just a little dinner. It doesn't even take much; just a couple of bites and a few minutes...
He's on his way home from work when it starts to take effect. At first, he simply notices bright red eyes peering out from the shadows. As he keeps walking, an all too familiar black sludge starts to bubble up from tar streets.
No. No no no no. It can't --it can't be here. This can't be real. It's just another nightmare. It has to be.
And suddenly, he can hear
it screaming, taunting, laughing at him so clearly in his mind once again.]
❮It doesn't matter if you left. We are inside you. Your heart, your lungs, your thoughts will all be blackened.❯
[Logan can be seen quickly making his way... well, somewhere. His typical cold look of irritation or disapproval is replaced with that of panic, fear, and a butcher knife in hand. It is, after all, his only defence.]
[ooc: Warning: may potentially turn bloody/gory?]