And right now I'm craving some fics and I have no idea how to find it in sufficient bulk. I got stupid! I have forgotten how thing was before delicious. I will have to remember again.
Also I fucking hate whoever is responsible for this little disaster. What the hell is this thing delicious mutated into?! Discover yourself. Go fucking die you fucker. I hope your balls explode with unspent cum because your dick got clogged up with misplaced shit particles. Ugh.
Along this way but only some:
I can not be angry at SPN for going... silly. It was always silly it just appears to have had bigger budget. Or something.
Castiel as main... I can't say villain, I will go with antagonist as in character to be fought with but WTH? I kind of ship him with Crowley? This is one thing I did not see coming. Especially now, that there is NO DELICIOUS!! And I don't know how to use tumblr. I'm either not enough woman or not enough virgin for that.
I've stopped watchin somewhere in season 6... when I first thought to myself "Hm. If there's any Cas/Crowley I'd read it." and then started to scream in terror at my own brain. Now, first p of 7th season I see it's not this I should be worried about but writers loosing all idea what the hell they doing. The actors? They know each other to bits and o characters work anyway but shit is the plot fucked up beyond the telling of it.
In first episode we've got death... who liked Dean about as much as any and all characters in the show does. That means loves and adores him unconditionally. Angels do, demons do and death does too. Only god himself seems to be immune. God. Not... Castiel who... I don't know. Suffers from indigestion of cosmic proportions?
I just realized I have no idea how to navigate kink-meme without delicious. I'm going to fucking cry...
Aargh. Enough. I'm just depressing myself.