Hello Dear Yuletide Author!
Let's have fun!
You're here to write me a story based on one of the following:
If you're here for Geneshaft be advised the most important character in your story will be Ryoko Burning. I have to warn for spoilers if you're not up to date with an obscure anime from two decades ago but she's dead. In canon she killed herself some 2 years before the action started as a result of shuttle accident in space. It was very dramatic but also very low-key. This anime just is like that. She and Hiroto - who's basically a golden (blue) child prodigy - got stuck somehow, there was oxygen enough for one but there were two of them so she took it upon herself to solve that problem. Before she offed herself though she made Hiroto promise to look into Mika, Ryoko's friend who was something of a free-spirited child of a free spirited mother and had some undesirable - by the standards of the canon - features. She shipped that ok? She shipped that hard. It was her dying wish for them to get together.
I'm sorry but you won't really be able to write this if you didn't or aren't willing to watch the anime. The perfect fic I would like to get would be from Ryoko pov as she fangirls - over a ship that to her is as RPF as they come. I do not want any AUs. Just her rationalizing away her matchmaking tendencies in a manner as close to canon as can be achieved.
I do have a few prompts through:
* As Ryoko spirit has already left her body it's perfectly ok to make her into a disembodied narrator for any part of the anime - especially the sickbay scene and/or the ending.* There is a giant robot in the show and it's main feature is super unstable, unfinished OS that tends to break constantly leaving the pilots - mainly Mika - stranded, frustrated, horrified and frequently bored. If you don't want to write Ryoko please write me a fic from the pov of the robot and how it's awareness grows with every OS upgrade.
* Hiroto is a very self-aware character. He really is something of a genius precog and also into Mika because she's hard to predict. It's a very young adult fiction kind of coupling. Hit me with HIS thoughts on the matter.* They all - excepting Ryoko obviously - lived through the shenanigans on Oberon. What next? I'd expect a court martial. How did it go?
If you're here for Hero I am - as I have said - into the idea of the King and Nameless fucking. But not just vulgar prnogrpahy of it (although please if you can and you will I would be extatic to get just and only the vulgar - fucking in throne room - pornography). I want a story in which the King did some very fast and loose thinking and concluded Nameless is worth to him much more alive than dead and proceeded to do what could be done about it.
The scene that interests me is the one where Nameless proves to the king it is perfectly in Nameless power to kill the King but Nameless had decided not. It's basically an endorsement of the "better you than war" variety after which Nameless lets himself be executed.
I want the King's idea as to how to remedy this to come right from his nether brains and go along the lines of
this tumblr post. I know and understand making Nameless into an eunuch would be miles and leagues more culturally appropriate. Please do not do that unless you wanna also write up some super kinky "fucking the eunuchs" porn to show me how that works.
I then want the whole story to resolve itself in a way that would call back to
this tumblr tpost.
For some prompts:
* I have been serving some king or another my whole life as a master of ceremony and this is the first time I have ever seen such unceremonious break of public decorum. Guess this is what I get for sticking with a warlord.
* OMG you won't believe what a seamstress of a servant of a minor palace official just told me and she swears it's all true!
* I'm opt-in for soulmate!au on this one! Or ABO even! King realizing the soulmark point on his hip is from the hilt of Nameless sword. Nameless black palm from grabbing said sword. Anything. Sudden onset heat causes shenanigans. No MPREG of any sort though please.* King reminisces about their crazy past in soft morning light as Nameless sleeps tangled in King's own ceremonial robes from last night.
As to NWN2 I am mainly interested in a character-driven story.
Sand is a powerful elven wizard, a talented caster skilled in the art of arcane crafting. He's a bit vitriolic, very dramatic. Lost his position in the magic Academy because he's hard to like. He would consider himself high-class. Highly educated, well-traveled. Driven to succeed. Ambitious. It seems - by his interactions with Qara - he took his teaching position seriously. Has intimate understanding that magic is power and power is power. He's a devoted friend once you get through his unpleasant exterior but his unpleasant exterior is not easy to get through. Won't suffer fools.
Duncan is a half-elf. Runs a small inn in the dock district of Newerwinter that also maybe doubles as kind of a wildlife rescue depending on whether you feel Bishop counts as wildlife. Likely is a people-person with a big, open heart. Accepted his brother's adopted child he has never seen once in his life as family and gave them home unconditionally and with little to no questions asked. It is said in the game he was an adventurer but likely his only motivation was to get the funds for the inn. Seems very happy with his lot in life and was willing to defend it to the dead when push came to shove. Seems like a simple man, open, content. A fool ;DDD
There was - in Sand's introductory cutscene - a moment where Sand calls out Duncan on his "long list of failed aspirations" and I have to admit I've spent 15 years wondering about that. Granted it is more than likely Sand was just projecting as managing a stragan was not what he aspired to. That's interesting in itself. But what I find even more interesting is that he posed this accusation towards Duncan who - I feel - honestly enjoyed his inn, his friends, his life. His drinks.
This is where I want the story to be - Sand the failed overachiever unable to understand how it is possible for Duncan - successful underachiever - to be happy.
Also I ship it ;D I ship it as old marriage between two people who are in denial about being married. Ya know the "we're just frenemies with benefits and that's all we were for the past 20 years" kind of relationship. The kind that over time builds up to being normal just to fall on its face at the first sign of trouble because the people involved don't think they have a relationship to fight for. The kind where - when Sand lost his lodging at the Academy - it hadn't even occurred to him he already spent 5 days a week at Duncan's. He considered himself homeless instead. The kind that is strained to the breaking point by years of misunderstandings and failure to communicate but will always be strong enough to stand. The kind that registers as marriage to anyone and everyone BUT the people involved.Neither of them understanding what it is about the other that attracts them but craving that thing like water.
I don't even have prompts. Do whatever you feel would show this particular mechanic best. Oh and I want a happy ending! Angst is ok but in no way should it be the point ;D
In general write me a story you, yourself would want to read.
And remember to have fun!!