Who said your birthday was on Dec 11th? :P I answered only the bday question and the last two questions because those are the ones I'm positive about. Hee. I can never forget your birthday because it comes before mine. LOL.
And I'd say NH/LP in the OTH calendar, do we really more SB pics? Puh lease. She already has a million and one out.
Hee you should just guess on the other ones, because most other people don't know either.
Seriously. HOW can there be 3 Sophia/Brooke ones and NO freaking NH. What the hell. As much as I want a LP one, NH is the core ship. Goddamn. And Hil is the main girl (well, was planned to be) but you know I'd like Hil and Joy to have the most pics. So lame that SB and CMM each have 3 pics. WTF, i mean come on. Chad somewhat makes sense cus he's the lead, but Sophia is last in the freaking credits. LOL.
And thanks, I lovee Haley+her parents. They're ♥ Plus that conversation was awesome. :P
EEK I'm sorry! I accidentally answered twice, once with your name and then I had to log out and do it with mine. LMAO Sorry! I tried but I'm not sure about all of them. LOL
Comments 17
And I'd say NH/LP in the OTH calendar, do we really more SB pics? Puh lease. She already has a million and one out.
PS. I flove your icon!
Seriously. HOW can there be 3 Sophia/Brooke ones and NO freaking NH. What the hell. As much as I want a LP one, NH is the core ship. Goddamn. And Hil is the main girl (well, was planned to be) but you know I'd like Hil and Joy to have the most pics. So lame that SB and CMM each have 3 pics. WTF, i mean come on. Chad somewhat makes sense cus he's the lead, but Sophia is last in the freaking credits. LOL.
And thanks, I lovee Haley+her parents. They're ♥ Plus that conversation was awesome. :P
I flove your Annette/Sebastian icon!!!
And isn't it hot?! :P
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