Fate - Chapter 34 - Baby Mama Drama

May 11, 2018 20:58

Chapter 34 - Baby Mama Drama
POV: Zac

November 6, 2006

Cassie had been acting kind of strange since Saturday and I had a gut feeling it was because she saw Maddi at the store. She hadn’t mentioned that to me but Maddi had basically messages me the moment Cassandra had gotten in my truck without me. I hadn’t ever really let Maddi drive my vehicle because she wasn’t that great of a driver and well, Cassie’s car was not really safe. Taylor and I both agreed that she needed new tires so bad and I could hear rods knocking in the car. I was certain Calvin had neglected hers hoping it would break down.

I wasn’t sure why seeing Maddi would bring her mood down but it had and I’d tried all weekend to keep her mood up and happy and I was really glad she came in today with us because I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something else going on with her. We spent several hours just doing the e-mail and mail replies and then a conference call. We had less than a month before we would release Great Divide, which the song would be released the 28th.

We were ready to actually release Great Divide, we were just discussing concepts for the video which we wanted to use footage we had filmed in South Africa. So, we were discussing the ones we had and what we wanted, we broke for lunch and then returned to plotting the video. It was about 2:15 when Cassie came into the studio with Joshua who was crying pretty heavily. He had been running a slight fever all day Sunday.

“What’s wrong Cassie?”

“Jessica left at one and you told me never to answer the front door unless I absolutely knew the person. There is some woman that I’ve never seen before beating on the door, she is screaming for Zac to answer the fucking door. She woke him up hitting the door. Can one of you please go see what the fuck she wants so I can get him laid down?”

“She’s screaming for Zac?” Isaac asked.

“Yes. I can’t be certain but she said something about her son…I think it might be Megan but I am not answering that door.”

“No, you shouldn’t and especially if it is her.” I said.

I got up and Taylor and Isaac looked concerned. “Zac?” Tay asked.

“I’ll be fine Taylor. Cassie I’d appreciate it if you kept him in here um..Taylor can you sit in here and please lock the door.”

“You want me to lock us in here?”

“Yes. In the event she gets past me and it really is Megan.”

He nodded and went to try to help her calm him down. I didn’t even realize that Isaac followed me out until I reached the door.

“That’s definitely Megan.” He said.

I jumped slightly. “Damn dude, don’t do that. Why are you even here, she’s not wanting to see you.”

He took a deep breath. “Witness Zac. If she is pissed off I don’t want her to file some false report on you. I will just be here to make sure nothing like that happens.”

She was still screaming for me to open the fucking door. I finally opened it and Megan was standing there but there was some guy standing behind her.

“It’s about fucking time.” She said.

She was wearing very tight blue jeans, a red long sleeve tight shirt, clearly a push up bra and heels. She hadn’t yet lost all the baby weight, I could see the clothes were hiding most. He was dressed in mostly gothic get ups, pants too big, all black outfit. Greasy hair and all.

“What do you want Megan?”

“You should already know the answer to that stupid ass question.”

“Actually I don’t because the last time I saw you, you told me to get the fuck out of your life. I did that. So, why are you here?”

“I want to see my son.”

“What son?” I asked.

“You fucking know what son I am talking about. I am talking about our son. The only son you have or have you been fucking that little fairy bitch you were with on Halloween?”

“Well, first off whoever I am fucking is none of your concern, second you don’t have a son Megan. You signed your rights away and gave him up completely.”

“She still carried him and has the scar to prove she had him.” He snapped.

“Exactly. He will know me.”

“No he won’t Megan. You have no rights to see him, I don’t have to let you and really, you told me in the hospital when I tried to give you the option that he was not your fucking son, that you didn’t have children by bastards who can’t man up and come to you. I manned up and took responsibility for my son.”

“I so fucking regret choosing you, common fucking sense I should have just sabotaged the condoms somehow. Only your prude of a fucking brother could be that anal about protection.”

“I can’t say that I blame him, I really wish I had.”

“You didn’t even know my name Zac, how you think you were going to remember the condom?”

“I would have remembered your name had you not given me something. I still don’t know what you gave me.”

“Not like you can prove it, Ketamine was easy to get and had the effect I wanted. I mean, I tried to hit on you in May but you were focused on that bitch. Tried to get you to see me as more, but never did. You were the young dumb one and it worked. I just didn’t think you’d be such a bastard afterwards.”

“What did you expect Megan? You ruined my life. Isaac doesn’t trust me, Maddilyn left me and you then didn’t bother to come to me and let me know your pregnancy wasn’t a lie. I had to find out by a friend who then told me you were doing drugs. What did you think I would do? Let you? You caused that. All you had to do was bring me proof Megan. I would have never been with you but I would have done what needed to be done.”

“Bullshit. Now bring me my son.”

I just stared at her, I knew from what I had been told that she had no legal right to see him and I was not under any obligation to let her see him. I did consider it for a moment because she was his mother but then I remembered what she said in the room, how she just referred to him as a bastard and even now all she said was son, like he wasn’t a person with a name. But then again, she didn’t know his name.


“Zachary, don’t be an idiot here. She just wants to see him.”

“I told you when I walked out of that room with him crying that you needed to remember that moment. That when you changed your mind, that you should remember I tried. I tried to get you to see and make a better choice but you chose to file the papers anyway. I am not bringing him to see you.”

“Bring me my god damn son you fucking bastard!” She yelled.

The gothic guy moved to stand beside her and I was absolutely certain that was her boyfriend and I damn sure wasn’t letting Joshua anywhere near them. But when he moved forward Isaac stepped out from behind the door.

“I agree with Zac, I would not allow him to bring his son up here. He’s safe where he is.” He said.

“With the fucking fairy bitch? Yeah fucking right, she is not his mother and you didn’t bother to correct the lady that thought she was.”

“An old lady who doesn’t know us personally, wasn’t needed. But, she is more of a mother to him than you ever were. You need to leave now and it would be advised that you not come back.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you bring me my son.”

“Then you can stand here in the cold but I will advise Cassie if you even hint at hitting this door again, she will call the police. End of the story Megan. I have full custody and you have no rights, by the state of Oklahoma you don’t have a son.”

I then closed the door and locked it. We didn’t move from the door yet though because it was probable she would hit the door again but while she was pissed she did leave. I turned to head to the back and Isaac caught my arm and I looked at him.

“I heard her say she gave you ketamine.”

I shrugged. “I told you she drugged me Isaac, that it was the only explanation to cover how I felt and that I believed she was Maddilyn. You didn’t believe me.”

“I was hurt Zac that you’d even slept with her. I wasn’t looking at little things, it was just you had.”

“Trust me Isaac, I really wish I had sent her away. I wish that I had done anything but let her stay.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”

“If you mean that sincerely you’ll be at my house Thanksgiving. I don’t want to steal your girlfriends, I don’t want to charm them into bed. I don’t need to, I didn’t need to with Megan. I had Maddilyn and I have Cassie now. Which I need to make sure Joshua has calmed down.”

We headed to the back and we heard singing when we entered the room, turned out it was both Taylor and Cassie, Rock a Bye Baby. Classic lullaby. Taylor shushed us both before we could make noise of any kind and we waited. Joshua was nearly asleep. When he was actually asleep they looked up.

“You settle it?” Tay asked quietly.

“Yeah, it was Megan demanding to see him. Cass, do you remember what she looks like?”


“If you are ever out with him for any reason, she is not to touch him or hold him or even see him.”

“I’d dare her to even try, you told me what she said about him. He is not a bastard.”

“No, he’s not. But, if she comes back to the door get us.”

She nodded and she waited until he was good and asleep before she moved.

“Is he warm?”

“He does feel warm, when he wakes up I’ll check his temperature. I wouldn’t dare touch his head right now.”

I considered a kiss to his forehead but thought better and let her take him on to lay down. When I checked on them an hour later they were both in the chair, reclined back and asleep. Yep, added that picture to my collection as well.

We finished up and before we left I made sure she wasn’t lurking around the truck or the area, but Joshua was definitely not feeling well so I had her make him an appointment as well.

November 10, 2006

Joshua had gotten sick but he was on the mend now. Cassie and I? Not so much. Apparently my son got super whiney and clingy when he didn’t feel good, I was wondering if he took anything from Megan?! So, he pretty much spent the last three days sleeping in our arms, we spent most of those three days not sleeping and taking turns. I really started to leave them both at home today, but Megan had come by Tuesday and had Taylor not been there I am pretty sure Cassandra would have jumped her.

I had known Cassie for over four months and she was usually super chill and calm, but apparently waking him up when she spent three hours trying to get him to sleep was not something she took very lightly. Taylor had caught her at the end of the hallway, fifteen feet from the door. Although, a small part of me wanted him to not catch her.

Joshua was now five months old, he was clearly feeling a little better today as he was okay sitting in his bouncer as I cooked and as we had breakfast, the ride to the studio was pretty eventless too. He was still clingy to her though, so she just sat with me in the office. Taylor and Isaac both asked if he was alright which was an improvement for Isaac for sure! I left them in the office and we got busy but at 11:30 I got a text from Cassie that said I had to come to the front door.

“Fuck, if Megan is here again I swear I will call the police. I’ll be back.”

I got up and went to the front but it was not Megan standing there with Cassie. It was a deputy Sheriff.

“Good morning officer, how can I help you?”

“Are you Zachary Walker Hanson?”

“Yes.” I said.

My mind reeled because I hadn’t done anything to warrant a sheriff to be asking who I was. But he asked for my license as proof and then handed me a letter, making sure I signed for it.

“Have a good day.”

He then left and I was confused, who would serve me anything?

“Where is Joshua?”

“Asleep in the swing, it’s about the only thing he would tolerate besides me.”

I opened the envelope, if there was a brick wall it must have been reinforced with a foot of concrete behind it, because that’s what it felt like when I saw the papers.

“Zac?” Cassie asked.

“She’s filing to have her rights reinstated.”

“Megan is?” She asked.

I nearly just fell right there but Cassie got me at least to sit down on the available stool nearby. But it wasn’t helping much. I didn’t even think she could file to reinstate them and when Cassie took the paper I didn’t even bother to protest. It was, however, like she knew. She stepped closer and as she read the papers she’d guided me to lean against her.

“She’s only asking the court to reinstate, it doesn’t mean they will.”

“But what if they do? I don’t want him anywhere near her.”

I could feel her hand just calmly running from my temple back, soothing motions.

“She is his mother Zac, but she is saying that she was not in the frame of mind to file at the time and that she wasn’t aware of what she signed. From what you told me that’s a big lie, because she signed days before she was in the hospital and that meant she was free of drugs.”

I wanted to think that logically she couldn’t, but the numerous what if’s were clouding everything else. What if she got them reinstated and then filed for full custody? She had everything but finances on her side. If she proved she signed them without understanding then I was sure to lose him and I couldn’t imagine waking up every day without him there. I couldn’t let my son around that drug addicted bastard she called a boyfriend.

“I can’t let her..”

“Breathe Zac, just calm down.”

Her fingers kept running through my hair, softly. She didn’t care that my head seemed to be resting right between her breasts. But, then again she knew I liked that spot. She put the paper in her back pocket and it felt very nice to have her arms around me.

“What if she gets them back?” I asked.

Her grip tightened around me. “Then we will deal with that when it occurs, but truthfully, I don’t believe you have to worry about that. From what you’ve told me there is enough proof to assume that she would not be fit as his mother. Don’t worry Zac. You’ve more than proven that you can care for him.”

“What if they do another inspection? Another lengthy ass process?”

She moved me to face her and her lips felt warm and soft against mine. “I’ll be right here beside you, no matter how long it takes. They can inspect all they want, the house is clean and safe. If I have to put my things back into the front room, that’s fine too. I’ll help you get through it Zac, you aren’t alone this time.”

Her eyes were soft and warm, she wasn’t lying to me. She would be here and I wasn’t alone this time, instead there would be someone that I could turn to and she wouldn’t just leave me to deal with everything.

“Where were you hiding when I needed you?”

Her lips pressed against my forehead. “I wasn’t needed then. Now, you have stuff to get done and all. I need to check on Joshua. It’ll be fine. The date on the paper is next month and we’ll see the lawyer Monday anyway, so we can talk to her then to see what we need to do.”

Thank god for someone who can pause and think. I sat there another several minutes before feeling like I had gained my own ability to stand back. We both checked on Joshua who was still asleep, we both expected him to because of the medicine and all. She sat down and I went back to the studio.

“That took a while, was it Megan?” Taylor asked.

“No. It was the sheriff. She filed a petition to reinstate her parental rights. But, I can’t think about that right now so let’s get busy.”

We spent the remainder of the day working on what had to be done and I tried to not worry about Megan getting rights to him, I had to believe she wouldn’t.

ofc, cassandra parker, ike hanson, hanson, tay hanson, nanowrimo, hanfic, fate, omc, zac, zac hanson

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