Adieu: Special Messages (I:U Testimonials)

Apr 09, 2013 22:45

Not only phones and laptops have a file-sharing. As a family, we have feels-sharing, too, especially about the home where we grew up.

Adieu: Special Messages

[ imagination: unleashed testimonials]

Participation Points: 10 Points

Deadline: May 29, 11:59 PM

“ADIEU n. - a farewell remark; a salutation or a word of greeting wherein there is an act of honor or courteous recognition”

Here comes Imagination: Unleashed’s third and last testimonial-giving, Adieu: Special Messages. This sub-event focuses on your insights about IU as a whole, and how you felt during your stay in the community.

This is another chance for you-for everyone of us-to express how we truly feel.


1. Tell us how you feel about IU in any way you want! It can be written, sung, voice-recorded, video recorded, drawn, etc-sky's the limit!

2. Let us know your experience in IU-it can range from your most memorable IU experience/s and what you have learned from them, to how it molded you as a person, to anything. Feel free to unleash yourself: there are no limits to this.

3. Comment in this entry with a link to your submission.  If you don't have an LJ account, anonymous commenting is allowed, but be sure to fill in the subject box with your IU username.

4. Posts will be screened until May 30, 2013.

Don't worry about grammar or anything, and as long as you get your point across (and that we understood it), it's alright.

*Taken and modified from Imagination: Unleashed's 3rd Year Anniversary's mechanics for Nihamoto Testimonial Contest.

contest/event: crossroads

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