Who: Reno, Scarlet
Status: Closed
When: 11:30 A.M.
Where: Midgar, Sector 6
What: A tip from an employee at Scarlet's new workplace leads Reno to here...after he's been searching for a good several hours.
One good thing about the slums was that news did travel fast. Rumours spread like wildfire and everyone was so anonymous no one was afraid to talk. Especially when it was just about a new face at the office.
Reno had been hopping from sector to sector, chatting up more people than he could count, since five-thirty this morning. In the goddamned rain, no less. Three cups of coffee, a double shot of whiskey, and two cigarettes had made everything more bearable.
Sort of.
But at least it appeared to have paid off. He had a lead, anyway, and leads were more than he could ask for when it came to this job.
Which meant he was now parked across the street in a nondescript, black sedan, sitting in the backseat where the tinted windows could hide at least his red hair, if not him altogether. The cushioned seat was comfortable enough for him to doze off right then and there.
Reno rubbed his eyes. He'd been watching people walk in and out of that building for close to three hours now. So far, no Scarlet. Granted, there was probably a backdoor to the building, but backdoors led into alleyways and alleyways just weren't a place a woman went within the slums if they had any sense of self-preservation. Or a good gun.
Fuck. He needed sleep. And coffee, but if there was one thing he'd learned about doing stakeouts alone, it was that the less liquid he consumed, the better. Having to hop out for a bathroom break was just a surefire way to screw up the operation.