Who: Charity, Vincent, Forgiveness
Status: Open (to whoever is in Costa del Sol)
When: 8:10 PM
Where: Costa del Sol
What: Charity throws herself a going away party at the Costa del Sol docks before her eventual journey over towards Junon.
The party was already into full swing as the beat of the music boomed throughout the docks. Half of the population swarmed in the area, while a barrage of alcohol and party drug Buzz were passed around the group. It had only taken her an hour to brew the drug for tonight, and by the energetic dancing most of the party-goers had, it was obvious that it had been yet another successful batch. Unfortunately it was the last one she could make until she was able to deal with Chastity, and until she’d obtained new stock, they’d simply have to rely on the use of alcohol to fill that void.
Matt had been kind enough to lend out his stereo system and DJ from his club for the night, and the young nightclub entrepreneur was seen joining in on the festivities for once. Saiyo… well Charity wasn’t entirely sure where her boy had drifted off to. He’d wandered off not long ago to help distribute her party drug around in her steed so then the virtue could focus on those who’d come to see her off.
It was why Charity was found within the middle of a circular throng of people dancing around her. Their bodies all swayed in beat with the music, and as she downed the remainder of her drink, Charity barely had time to pull the glass away from her lips before it was taken, and another of her friends was offering her the next drink.