Who: Cloud Strife & Barret Wallace
Status: Closed (unless you really want in :D)
When: 6:30 PM
Where: Sector 5, Edge - Cloud's Warehouse
What: Cloud reels from his encounter with Sephiroth, Kadaj and Yazoo and may have to reveal a growing secret.
Cloud sat on the desk that was normally cluttered with papers for his deliveries. All the paperwork had been shoved to one side to make room for him to sit down and left enough space for his glove and bandages to sit on the table top. He rubbed his right hand over the numbed left, trying to massage feeling back into the deadened appendage.
It had felt like a trap to him. Having them all show up like that was far to convenient, or perhaps Sephiroth had just found him and then whistled up Yazoo and Kadaj. He would have had to be stupid to stay, but the fact he had been allowed to leave solidified the fact that Sephiroth had only been playing with him. He was not part of the Reunion, not anymore.
He had promised himself that he was free of that.
Turning his hand over, Cloud found himself staring at the increasingly darkening mark on his palm. He tried to clench his fingers over it but was unable, so instead he simply turned his hand over and went back to rubbing the skin with a little more desperation. Why wasn't the feeling coming back?