Feb 13, 2008 20:24
Who; Yuffie & Barret
Status; Open
When; 1:45 pm
Where; Seventh Heaven
What; Yuffie's being suspicious and feels she's being left out of some important information. The only person she can think of to ask is Barret, and there's only one place she's sure she can find him.
An irritated sigh passed through her lips as Yuffie wandered in the general direction of Tifa's bar. Between her hands was the potted rose for Aerith, the gift she had forgotten to swing by to the flower girl. Well, not forgotten so much as got nervous and skipped out of. Yuffie was afraid to see Aerith, but only because she was worried it would be a lie or that the woman in pink would somehow be different. She knew these thoughts were ridiculous and irrational, Aerith was Aerith and she would be the same kind woman with the same beautiful smile. That didn't help rid herself of the butterflies and Yuffie bit her lip as she stared down at the rose.
Stupid Reeve. Yuffie concluded this was entirely his fault.
Realizing she had stopped walking while in her thoughts, Yuffie reclaimed her steady pace and grinned as Seventh Heaven came into sight. The flower wasn't the only reason she had to come here. Yuffie wasn't slow and was hardly unobservant, and Cloud had been strange last night -- well, not so much strange but more that he hadn't brought up anything strategic or business-like at all like she'd suspected he would -- and Reeve... Well, maybe Reeve just didn't want to tell her everything the second he got the news. She was the head of information though, shouldn't she have had all of it before them? There was only one other person that would know everything first.
Yuffie shouldered the doors open and stepped into the bar, gaze searching the inside of the building before she skipped to the counter and set down the rose. She'd already been there this morning but without the flower there was no reason to stick around. Making herself comfortable on one of the stools, she kicked her legs back and forth in waiting. There was no doubt the gun-armed man wouldn't be here today, all she needed was patience until she could corner him.
day 5,