Who: Rufus and Scarlet
Status: Closed
When: 11:00 AM
Where: Shinra HQ, Office of the President
What: Rufus meets with Scarlet to go over the events that transgressed during her meeting with Reeve and the status of the company's weapons contract with the WRO.
Over the years, Rufus Shinra had learned that attempting to foresee how meetings with his company's head of Weapons Development were both a waste of time and a waste of valuable mental resources. So while he could only assume that things had gone at least decently in terms of the actual contract itself, he had a feeling that her account would be... colorful to say the least. It was something he could count on -- or at least prepare himself for, in a manner of speaking.
Despite knowing he was by himself in that office, he suppressed a smirk, wondering what Reeve's response had been upon seeing Scarlet; knowing that he hadn't had the time to mentally prepare for meeting with the blonde and also knowing that he had never been all too fond of her. It almost made him wish that he had been involved more directly in the matter.
The thought was amusing... to say the least.
But perhaps he was getting distracted.
Taking a quick glance over seemingly forgotten paperwork, Rufus separated the urgent from the somewhat unimportant from the trash. His secretary knew to let Scarlet through -- not that she would be one to wait patiently for formalities anyway, so all the president had to do was wait for the clicking of heels on marble flooring.