Who; Yuffie, randoms, hostage.
Status; Closed.
When; 10:30am
Where; WRO Building, where they keep their little captives.
What; The little ninja is on interrogation duty, and she plans on milking their hostage for all he's worth. Or squeezing him like a lemon. Whichever.
Finally, the morning wasn't quite as dreary as she had been expecting. Her 'stroll' to the WRO main building had been pleasant for the most part, disregarding prior events that she swore would eventually turn her hair grey. Her boots had dragged lightly against the floor, not by choice but only because she was just tired. She had only gone to sleep somewhere between two and three in the morning, and had woken up by habit just as the sun rose. Her first thought had been to call Reeve, find out if he knew what was going on and to see if maybe Cloud had beaten her to the story-telling. Admittedly, she regretted the action now since it ended her into actually working, Leviathan forbid.
Of course, that had all been about three hours ago. One hour ago, Yuffie had walked into the building, cheerfully greeted all that passed her way, and plopped herself casually into the interrogation room that had been graciously set up to her likings; big table set firmly between her comfortable chair and the cold, steel thing resembling a chair set up for their captive. Yuffie crossed her legs and arms simultaneously, waiting as the guards left to fetch the man. Ten minutes ago.
Time was never a friend of Yuffie's, anyway.
Grey eyes flitted to the door as the familiar faces returned with one that was not so familiar. "Took ya long enough! I've been waiting for forever!" That might have been an exaggeration, but it was Yuffie and the WRO soldiers seemed to understand this quite well.
"Sorry, ma'am. He was being... difficult," the left replied, eyeing the man in cuffs warily. At least he was subdued now. "Would you like us to stay in the room?" Yuffie shook her head, rushing them to sit the man down before waving them out. The guards nodded respectfully and stepped out of the room, each standing on either side of the door should they be needed.
Yuffie waited for the door to shut before she regarded the quiet man with a judging glance. He didn't look incredibly dangerous, let alone able to assist anyone in helping kill the soldiers sent to Costa del Sol. She shrugged and took in a deep breath, here went nothing.
"The most obvious question comes first; who are those women?" No answer, save for the indignant snort. "Ugh, the silent treatment only works if you're a girl, so spit it out!" That hardly even parted his lips. Yuffie fumed silently, uncrossing her arms and legs as she stood up from her chair. Her palms slammed down on the table and he visibly winced at the echoing sound it made. Yuffie grinned, at least there was a reaction. "Okay, fine, so what were you doing in Costa del Sol?"
He lifted an eyebrow and scoffed, "nothin'. Minding my own business." Yuffie didn't believe it for a second, quite obviously, and tapped her nails in a quick rhythm on the tabletop. "We weren't hurtin' anybody," he tried again.
The ninja immediately hoisted herself up and across the table so that she could successfully smack him upside the head. "You guys killed our men!" She spat furiously, followed by another thwack. "And your girlfriends hurt my friends! Now, you have another chance. You were found there with the two women in a drug bust, what's the connection, huh?"
"Nothing." Yuffie hit him again. "Hey, listen, it's the people that want it! You're all about giving the people what they want, aren't you?"
Yuffie took a short step back, gaze searching his expression for any hint that he might have been sarcastic. "Are you kidding me?!" The nerve this guy had! Maybe she could break his fingers and claim he had assaulted her. She doubted Reeve would object, honestly. "That kind of stuff isn't helping anybody but yourselves!"
"The world gets tough, you think everyone wants to stick around for it all? It's a cool get away."
She rolled her eyes in response and shook her head. "Oh yeah? And how much is it to 'get away'?"
"How affordable?"
Yuffie blew a puff of air at her bangs and threw her hands up in exasperation. She didn't have the patience for people like him. "Fine then! S'not like someone else won't beat it out of you," she grumbled in irritation. "Where's it all at?" He simply grinned in response, hardly an answer she was hoping for. This time she would let him know she was tired and instead of smacking him on the head she kicked the legs of the chair out from under him and both man and steel hit the floor with a loud, reverberating thud. "I'm not asking you again."
"Wherever it's most popular, the cities! Isn't abuse against the law?" He shouted back at her, wincing as she grabbed him by the handcuffs and lifted him and the chair back up.
The guards took this moment to open the door, checking on the pair with minor curiosity to what was going on. "We're fine," Yuffie groaned, moving around the table to flop back into her more comfortable seat. "I've just got one more question anyway." Both men entered the room, standing at attention at either side of the hostage as her grey eyes focused solely on him. "How is it you're transporting these drugs, huh?"
He paused for a second, as if thinking over his answer, then shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't know how. Just know you'll never find them sending the drug itself."
Yuffie's eye twitched and she jumped back to her feet. "Enough, you're annoying me!" It seemed this was the que the guards were waiting for and they hurriedly took the man from his seat. "Go away, rot in your prison, overdose on your own medicine! Ugh!" The door closed behind the three and Yuffie silently cursed. She let out a final growl and stormed out of the room, riled up now thanks to the nameless man and his most frustrating answers. At least she'd gotten some kind of information out of it, even if she did still feel like they hadn't gotten any closer to the truth.