Who: Cloud
Status: Closed
When: 7:30am
Where: Sector 4 business area
What: Cloud finishes an early morning delivery and wishes his hearing wasn’t quite what it was.
Cloud placed the large box down on the counter before turning away and walking back to where Fenrir was settled on the curb. He bent and grabbed the last box for the General Store before heading back inside and dropping it down on the counter next to the other four boxes of goods.
He went through the boxes and checked off each item on the list as he came across it. Given that he had spent the night outside of Kalm and started out early just to get back for this delivery had made him tired and uncertain of if he had grabbed all the right items. He disliked messing up deliveries because he was a little tired, but the storeowner wasn’t even here to help this time.
“I could look at that backside all day. Don’t you agree Edna?”
“Oh yes, what a fine young man. He’s as nice as the one that came yesterday. Your Roger gets the best delivery people to come to his shop in the mornings, Georgia.”
Cloud sighed heavily and rubbed his temple. No, the store was watched over by the store owner’s aging mother who seemed to forget that he could hear them talking. It wouldn’t have been much of a problem, but he had a suspicion that the mother made requests for delivery people to look at, since she was in a wheelchair and limited.
It was simply disconcerting that he had been called out here twice this week already, and Roger had spoken about a delivery next week as well. The last time Georgia and Edna had been talking about how nice his arms were before moving over to talking about his backside. They had been talking about the other delivery driver’s chest when he had arrived.
“If I was forty years younger, I’d blush if that one even looked at me,” Georgia said.
“If you were forty years younger, be honest with yourself, Georgia. You would be hitting on that one madly. He’s quite the looker,” Edna replied.
Cloud finished checking off his list a little more quickly than he would usually. He stepped out and tipped his head to the pair of little old ladies before making a brisk break for it. Today felt like it was going to be one of those days.