Who; Yuffie & Charity
Status; Open~ish.
When; 7:15am
Where; Somewhere between Sector Four and Reactor 4.
What; A chance meeting with an enemy, though Yuffie is hardly the wiser.
"Go check on Cloud," an irritated voice grumbled out from between the lips of everyone's favourite ninja. "All the way in the fourth reactor, yeah, so go my little slave, go. Because we can't just have a nice conversation of, 'hi Reeve, how's it going', 'good Yuffie, it's nice to hear from you', 'really? I was beginning to think you only saw me as a worker bee.'" The complaining quieted to a series of mumbled responses for a one-person conversation she was sure should have been the way it worked this morning. Yuffie kicked a broken off piece of concrete, wincing as it bounced off a wall and shot back against her knee. "Ow!" Smart move, and very smooth for such a ninja like herself.
Her shoulders drooped in defeat and Yuffie sighed heavily, shaking her head at the renegade rock before continuing down the street. The directions were scribbled hastily on her hand and she stared at her palm as she turned the corner of the next street. She was still quite against any moving vehicle, so the walk was going to be terribly long and she would most likely be the worst company ever for a possible-Reunion-ized Cloud and a maybe disgruntled WEAPON. Speaking of which...
Her pace quickened in order to get to her destination faster. The last she'd seen Tiny, it was being kidnapped by those horrible, twisted, creepy women. What had they done to it? Was it okay? Did they give it a creepy golden arm like Hojo had done to Vin-- oh, wait, they weren't Hojo. Big difference. Or were they? "Agh!" All these thoughts were just giving her a major headache. "Forget it, forget it!" Talking to herself again. Good thing nobody was listening, or cared to wonder what the AVALANCHE member was talking about anyway.