Who: Humility, Kindness
Status: Closed
When: 11:31 am
Where: Humility’s office
What: Humility calls Kindness in regards to a few missing items from her latest shipment.
The office was quiet and unobtrusive it could possibly be. There was a modest desk with a computer sitting neatly on top of it, and a few forms and pens carefully strewn across the flat surface. A potted plant hung from the ceiling in one corner, and the women who stood next to it gazed out the window and to the street beyond. She’d been standing there for the past twenty minutes while waiting patiently as she watched the odd person walked past the barrier of the window. Yet her thoughtful gaze didn’t really see them.
Shipments were very rarely late since she preferred to keep things running efficiently, but she’d yet to receive the second half of the order she’d placed. She was patient and willing to simply believe that there might have been a delay somewhere between Junon and Edge, but the delivery company had yet to call her in regards to any delays and she hadn’t heard from Kindness yet.
Frowning slightly as her thoughts drifted over to the other Virtue, Humility sighed softly in the otherwise empty room before pulling herself away from the window, and moving back over to the desk. She couldn’t afford any further delays. There were deadlines that needed to be kept, and the ingredients she’d received from Chastity earlier on that morning would only remain fresh for so long before they’d spoil. If that were to happen she could only imagine the disappointment she’d receive for such a failure.
Her movements were graceful as Humility reached out to pick up her phone. The sound of numbers dialling filled the quiet space before she placed the receiver up against her ear and waited for Kindness to pick up.