The door opens on a field.
A simple enough field, really. There's a few horses perhaps halfway between the door and a stream off in the distance, ahead of them and to the right; on the left, as far away, the darkness of a forest. Between stream and forest there's a smudge on the horizon, perhaps a city or town.
The surprising thing is merely the
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Comments 109
*Alanna mumbles as she opens the door, the key's weight oddly comforting in her hand. She steps through, still thinking and staring at the ground. Her eyes widen at the feel of grass under her feet, and she looks up with an almost entranced smile.*
Great Mother... *Alanna beams, suddenly awed and very excited about whatever lay ahead. She bites her lip when she spies the horses, her eyes suspiciously bright.* It's beautiful.
It is.
*It feels good to be doing something, have a purpose. Too long, he feels, he's been in one place...and worse than that, doing something plain and simple. As much as his Sendarian upbringing had prepared him for such a monotonous existance, something in his makeup, in his blood, had cried out every day at the lack of direction, at the lack of something meaningful to do. And he was doing something to help others. Hell, he was just doing something.
If Aunt Pol could see him now, she'd probably wince and say he's getting more like his grandfather every day.*
This is nothing like Campbell's world of modern Rhode Island. Nothing. It's everything like how he sometimes wishes it would become.
He closes his eyes, and tips his face skyward.
The sun is warm on his face, and everything is very real. All that is missing is the scent of the sea.
He breathes.
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