I've had a sudden craving for writing, and am now on working on pure enthusiasm. Two fresh pages into my half-finished and long-abandoned chapter five of "Cyberpunk Nightmare" already done in under an hour.
I've had my ups and downs during this foray into reality (which wasn't too real - as in, I couldn't keep far from the Net), and most of them were downs.
I'm not really BACK per se, I'm just back to trying to write.
I might even post stuff at FA (provided the haven't changed their ToUs much and will accept my stuff -- because from my fresh experience with RPGing in a military genre I might be writing too bloodily), provided I can get someone to beta it, because I'm not too sure of my capability of writing coherent english english without spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes of relative gravity.
You can now access me via AIM (I'll try to keep in mind to be online whenever I can) and MSN (its mail -- which is also my new e-mail addy -- is shinobiivan@hotmail.com). At least one of these (usually - MSN) will be on most of the time, in case anyone wants to reminiscence about the "good old days".
Now excuse me while I go back to writing Harry and Bill's debate on the meaning of life and sanity.