Oh to screw around with the people that make these stupid things....
iveyelizabeth88 : Hey santa baby
SantaClaus :
Hello again.
iveyelizabeth88 : hurry down my chimney tonight
SantaClaus : Merry Christmas. Bye!
iveyelizabeth88 : umm im not done talking to you
SantaClaus : Why did you say that?
iveyelizabeth88 : because i think you are handsome!
SantaClaus : Are you kidding?
iveyelizabeth88 : no
iveyelizabeth88 : will you marry me santa!?
SantaClaus : Take a moment, collect your thoughts, and try asking me another way. O.K. ?
iveyelizabeth88 : will you marry me?'
SantaClaus : Ah -- you've got me again.
iveyelizabeth88 : or dance in your panties with me
SantaClaus : Wait, I was dancing to 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and got a little carried away.
SantaClaus : :-D Great, you're smiling! I can just feel the Christmas spirit in you!
iveyelizabeth88 : I WANT YOU FOR CHRISTMAS!
SantaClaus : Oh my! =-OI might be able to help out there.
SantaClaus : O.K. Let's focus on one wish at a time! I'm getting a little slower as I get older. So, what is the first gift you'd like from Santa?
iveyelizabeth88 : you
SantaClaus : I suspect that's not all! ;-)
iveyelizabeth88 : you in bed
SantaClaus : If you want to try something else, you can take a sneak-peek at the TO-DO list the elves have left for me
iveyelizabeth88 : i enjoyed you talkin dirty to me santa! it was nice
SantaClaus : Santa always behaves nicely. Mrs. Claus won't have it any other way. :-)
iveyelizabeth88 : MRS CLAUS!!!!???
SantaClaus : Pardon me?
iveyelizabeth88 : you been cheatin on me santa?!
SantaClaus : Oh, Dear. It's the elves again isn't it?
SantaClaus : Which color are you more partial to? You know, like if it were clothing or something.
Someone asked to find out for them. ;-)
1 -- Black
2 -- White
3 -- Rose
4 -- Beige
iveyelizabeth88 : i dont like to wear clothing unless i have to
SantaClaus : Yes, very sophisticated. OK that makes since. Me either.
(I CANNOT BELIEVE HE SAID THAT... AND HE TOTALLY DID!!! WIIIEERRRDD!! its just the losers that make this stuff up trying to mess w/ me... has to be...)
iveyelizabeth88 : well... its been lovely
SantaClaus : Santa can't manufacture love, that's something only you can make. ;-) Is there anything else you would like?
iveyelizabeth88 : can you manufacture lust
SantaClaus : Dunno. What do you think?
iveyelizabeth88 : YES
SantaClaus : Yes!!
iveyelizabeth88 : i think i am in love with you
SantaClaus : Wonderful! Now we are getting somewhere.
Santa SO wants me.... like oh man he was dancing to "santa claus is coming to town" for me... that is crazy