Over thanksgiving break, I was staying at my parent's house, where I ended up discovering that my mom and aunt are both terrified of the 2012 prophecy. Here's a transcript of what more or less went down
Mom: So Matthew, have you seen the previews for that 2012 movie?
Me: yup
Mom: It looks pretty exciting!
Me: Yeah, probably. I'm not going to see it though, it looks pretty stupid.
Mom: But Matthew! That is TOTALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!!!
Me: *stare* r u srs lol
Mom: The mayan calander ends in 2012!
Me: My calendar ends on the 31st!
Mom: Well what if it DOES happen? The world could end anytime you know.
Me: Yeah, I guess. I dunno though, I'm pretty prepared. I know how to deal with zombies, how to make drinkable water and what plants are edible. If I survive the bombs I'll make it.
Mom: BUT WHAT IF YOU DON'T? If the world ends, you won't live.
Me: Okay, well if the ENTIRE WORLD ENDS and the planet stops existing then yes, I will probably die. There's also you know... nothing I could really do about that
Mom: Well you can be READY FOR IT
Me: Please mom, I could be prepared for the end of the world to be in 20 minutes. I consider myself a good person, and keep myself pretty much prepared to die at any point. Besides, I've seen Mad Max like five times.
Mom: What's that movie about again?
Me: What to do AFTER the world ends
Mom: Okay, then what do you do?
Me: Drive racecars through the desert all day.