Television Questionnaire thing

May 20, 2011 11:25

So I just took this from a new friend on here (hi, hglove !), and I wanted to do it cause I'm bored and I love doing these things.

Pick your five favorite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don't cheat!

1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. The Vampire Diaries
3. Supernatural
4. Smallville
5. Angel

1. Who's your favorite character in 5? Fred!

2. Who's your least favorite character in 1? Dawn

3. What's your favorite episode of 2? Choosing more than one! Miss Mystic Falls (S1), The Turning Point (S1), The Last Dance (S2), Klaus (S2)

4. What's your favorite season of 4?  Season 5

5. Who is your favorite ship in 3? Ooh, there are no ships on SPN. lol None, at least not for me. They always fail. But I guess I'll choose Dean/Cas since they're all over each other's asses lately. (Cas is not IN Dean's ass tho, Cas swears)

6. Who is your anti-ship in 5? Hmm, hard to choose. I enjoyed most ships on Angel... how about Angel/Eve. Seeing them have sex, even if they were under a spell, made me cringe and barf up my dinner.

7. How long have you watched 1? Since 2005. Wish I knew about the show when all the excitement was airing for the first time.

8. How did you become interested in 3? My best friend (now ex-best friend, for many reasons not regarding SPN) always insisted on bringing over her S1 DVD and made me watch several episodes, even though I would never pay attention. It wasn't til I saw the S2 finale during the summer reruns in 07 that I fell in love. I even cried when Sammy died, even though I was a noobie. lol

9. Who's your favorite actor/actress in 4? Tom Welling & Allison Mack (Chlark love!). Also adding Michael Rosenbaum. Rosey is a genius.

10. Which do you prefer, show 1, 2 or 5? You're singling out my vampire shows! lol I guess I'll choose Buffy (#1). That show will always be a classic for me.

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I've seen all episodes of Buffy, and all eps there are of Supernatural (#3) so far. Buffy has 144, SPN will have 126 after tonight's S6 finale (SO EXCITED!!!!). So it's Buffy.

12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Chloe. I'm in fucking LOVE with her!

13. How would you kill off your favorite character in 1? Willow tho! Can she not die? Ah well. I'm too lazy to come up with an exact scenario, but I'd want her to go down fightin', with her witchy powers tearing shit down and all.

14. Give a random quote from 1. "I am the bug man, coo-coo ca-choo!" ~ Xander
15. Would a 3/4 crossover work? I always wanted a crossover between Smallville & SPN! Chloe/Winchesters, please.

16. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. My fun ship that never happened was Angel/Willow. lol I'm addicted to fics based on them, and I don't know, it would be cute.

17. Has 5 inspired you in any way? It inspired me to get behind in school cause I was watching it too much. But I'm ok with that. :)

18. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4? 2 (Vampire Diaries). That cast is perfection. I really like a lot of 4's (Smallville), but there were a couple people who just brought it down every year. *cough*LANA*cough*

19. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5? 5 (Angel). I have that theme song on my iPod tbh. It's just lovely. And SPN doesn't have theme music. :P (UNLESS YOU COUNT "CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOON")

supernatural, vampire diaries, meme, television

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