Title: Reprise
Pairing: Blair/Dan
Rating: T (for now)
A/N: This is a future fic...NOT AU. Disregard anything that happened in the wedding episode, as this was written before that aired.
Disclaimer: I do not own GG or any of its characters.
Chapter 1 )
Comments 6
Haven't been big on this relationship on the show...but its growing on me...maybe you can help me along. :)
This is the 1st dan/blair story that has caught my attention so far.
Thanks so much for commenting & giving this a shot. I hope you continue reading!
Thanks for commenting & reading!
I am curious to know why Dan is in Europe and what's the deal with him and Blair? The story carries a lot of mystery and intrigue that leaves you itching for more.
Too many good lines to pick one, the line about Dan ordering a bottle of water and the barman giving him a funny look really sticks to mind because it is realistic (I've seen it happen quite a few times).
I know there's lots of open-ended questions...they'll all be answered soon!
Thanks for reading & reviewing!
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