Title: Reprise
Pairing: Blair/Dan
Rating: T (for now)
A/N: This is a future fic...NOT AU. Disregard anything that happened in the wedding episode, as this was written before that aired.
Disclaimer: I do not own GG or any of its characters.
Chapter 2 )
Comments 4
Anyway, rants against ff.net aside, I really love the angle you choose for this fic. I like that five years passed and we got to discover what happened during this time to both characters and how it changed them.
I can't wait to read the chapter in Paris and see more interaction between Dan and Blair!
(BTW, smocking inside buildings is now forbidden in most of european countries. I don't know specifically about Belgium but I know for sure it's forbidden in France, Ireland and Spain.)
You know...I was just waiting for someone to correct me on the smoking thing. Full disclosure...I didn't even look up the laws. So, thanks for telling me. I'm going to leave it, but I'll keep that in mind for further chapters.
Anyway...I'm so glad you're liking the angle & future aspect of this fic. I love writing Dan & Blair in future stories :) Paris will be a fun chapter. I'll have it up as soon as I'm finished writing it. :)
Thanks for reading & reviewing!
I enjoyed this chapter, especially getting a glimpse of what happened in the past and what may be happening the future: makes me wonder if you are going to do something similar to Rufus and Lily's past.
I really like these lines below because it is something I can see Dan doing instead of what is now occuing in Season 5.
"I'm sorry, but I can't watch you do this ( ... )
Woohoo. So happy I still have you gripped :) As far as similarities to Rufus & Lily's past...I honestly didn't even think of that until after I wrote the first two chapters...oddly. So it won't be identical, but it'll be mentioned :)
The flashback was the very last thing I added to this chapter. I'm relieved it fit & you liked it!
Thanks for reading & telling me your thought!
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