1. Как готовить вегетарианский дим-сам (dim sum)? Чего кладут внутрь?
UPD: Тесто: рисовое, как можно более тонкое и прозрачное. Начинка: черный древесный гриб, болгарский перец, лук зеленый, яйцо, кинза, бамбук.
2. Где в Москве найти соевое молоко по приемлемым ценам?
3. Где найти Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid в электронном виде?(UPD:
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Comments 4
Д. Керуак
I see that you friended me. Are you currently at CMU? (LTI?) Are you in Queens? Cool that you found GEB. It's one of my favourite books ever.
Yes, I friended you, b'coz I found your posts interesting for myself (since you studied in CMU, use kubuntu, R and so on)
I'm not in the USA right now, recently came to Russia to fix some problems with documents.
I'm entering CMU.
GEB: I was tutoring one guy in machine learning and stats and he adviced me to read this book. If you want, I could send it to you.
PS I'm sorry, my LJ is mostly in russian.
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