The Hobbit

Dec 23, 2014 20:05

So Bilbo/Thorin is canon now, right? Cause I have no other way to interpret that.

Also, for a movie that is 90% battle, that made zero tactical sense. None. Even my parents, who normally hate it if I say any even remotely critical word about a movie, were like ... where did the giant earth worms go? Wouldn't they have had to go somewhere for the orcs to get past them?

Yeah, that movie was a giant mess. All action with no time for character, it began with what felt like the ending and then tried to build any sense of dramatic tension, too much time with gibberish political things, then drop a bunch of anvils about the original trilogy and pretend that's an ending. The first trilogy had like seven endings. This didn't have any.

Well, at least no more bloated money grabs will be made out of Tolkein, so I guess I got that out of this movie?

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