Yeah, totally...

Mar 15, 2004 21:03

Oh, I'm having fun with these...

Personal Info
01: Name: Ivy Bilikam
02: d.o.b: January 25
03: location: PA
04: religion: LDS
05: sex: Not until I met the right man
06: occupation: student...uh huh
01: Hair: brown
02: Eyes: I don’t know
03: Height: 5'3...ish
04: weight: 600 lbs
01: clothing: you tell me....
02: Music: anything
03: makeup?: not a lot, but mascara is a staple
04: Body Art: no
Right Now
01: wearing: Jeans and a shirt
02: listening to: Salute to the 80's
03: Thinking of: Someone: Uh huh
04: feeling: kinda bored
Last Thing You
01: bought: drinks for the tabacco fam and moody
02: talked to: on the phone with my dad...
03: ate and drank: chocolate 3-leaft..leaft?leaved?...clovers (how cute) and water
04: read: Their Eyes Were Watching God? Argh...
05: watched on TV: simpsons..what a hoot
01: club or houseboat: Club gitcho freak on
02: tea or coffee: frappacino
03: high achiever or slacker: If I understand it I'll be a high acheiver..
05: drinks or shots: Drinks
06: cats or dogs: umm...cats
07: single or taken: I am single...
08: pen or pencil: either one works
09: gloves or mittens: gloves, mittens are too restriciting and tight
10: food or candy: mmm both
11: cassette or cd: cd (my top gun cassette is pretty cool too gonna have to split)
12: coke or pepsi: joke.
14: matches or a lighter: lighers are easier...but matches are funner
15: sunset beach of the bold and the beautiful: sure thing!
16: ricki lake or opra winfrey: I would have to go with my girl Oprah...yeah, theres an “h” there but ur still pretty cool
Who Do You Want To...
01: Kill: Osama?
02: Shag: David Beckham
03: slap: whores, no im just kidding jay...HAH! <3<3<3
05: get really wasted with: Seann William Scott
06: tickle: you
07: look like: charlize theron
08: be like: Some one with lots of money
09: avoid: the awkward moments
01: food: anything
02: drink: Water
03: color: Pink...or grey...or green?
04: album: Room for Squares, Winners Never Quit, Donde Estan los Ladrones (haha)....
05: shoes: Black flip flops, can use them for everything....
06: site: ?
07: dance: gettin ma grove on
08: Song: The Longest Winter- Pedro the Lion
09: vegetable: carrots?
10: fruit: pineapple?
11: berry: uh i dunno
Last Person
01: you touched: Rachel
02: talked to: Daddy on the phone
03: instant messaged: Katie
04: had a crush on: I still do...oooooo
Where Do You....
01: Eat: anywhere and everywhere
02: dance: again, anywhere and everywhere
03: cry: depends on whats making me cry
04: Are you alone: where do you are you alone? that doesnt make any sense...nope
05: Do you hear voices in your head: Yeah...but im physic
06: Do people stare at you?: Yes because I'm horribly disfigured. Thanks for bringing it up, JERK!
07: Do they talk about you?: haha
08: Do you somehow think that you can sense and feel certain things?: what?
1 day ago: Went to church
1 week ago: My head hurt
5 minutes ago: I was still taking this test
5 days ago: I wanted to play twister
5 weeks ago: I havent a clue
5 months ago: Was fun
5 years ago: I loved the spice girls and hanson
i hurt: my hand in english today..ouch
i love: food, family and friends
i hate: being in pain..and being ignored
i fear: birds..really bad, but I have panic attacks about everything
i hope: i can have...him ppff!
i break: cerfew
i listen: to sounds
i hide: from things i dont like
i breathe: oxygen
i play: solitaire and YOU
i miss: rach and holls already
i learn: lots of things
i feel: like I need some chocolate
i know: i have NO butt
i dream: of things that are quite odd...
i want: lots of money
i fell: down the hill
i wait: to get my lisence
i need: lots of money
-last movie you saw: Dirty Dancing...the original one guys, none of that Havana crap
-last movie you saw on the big screen: CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA QUEEN!
-last phone number you called: Ted Tabacco...hahaha!
-last show you watched on TV: simpsons
-last song you heard: Pink Floyd
-last thing you had to drink: water
-last thing you ate: girl scout cookies
-last time you showered: bout 2 hours ago
-last time you cried: um i cried for like a few seconds a few days ago cause i was having a BAD day
-last time you smiled: few seconds ago
-last time you laughed: few seconds ago
-last person you hugged: Mom
-last thing you said: Mmmmmmkay
-last person you talked to online: Jay
-last thing you smelled: Mama’s grub
Do you...
-smoke: Nope
-do drugs: Nope
-have sex: Not until I met the right man
-sleep with stuffed animals: Yes
-have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope
-have a dream that keeps coming back: Yeah...always
-play an instrument: somewhat...
-believe there is life on other planets: Yeah me and Sabrina were talking about how we were scared of Independence Day and that what if aliens really took over the planet
-Read the newspaper: Horoscopes and comics..and PA sports section
-have any gay or lesbian friends: No
-believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Um I think its something only a person can experience i dont really think something like that is explainable...but yes.
-consider yourself tolerant of others: Yeah pretty much
-believe in astrology: of course!
-believe in magic: Ya i guess but its hard because of that damned masked magician who reveals all the secrets
-go to church: yep yep yep
-have any secrets: kinda...
-have any pets: uh huh
-go to or plan to go to college: yes I do
-have a degree: In loooooove. Yeah.
-talk to strangers who instant message you: hmm..not so much
-wear hats: hah, no
-pray: uh huh
-have any piercings: ears
-have any tattoos: nope
-wish on stars: oh...
-like your handwriting: meh..ish
-have any bad habits: I bite my nails when im nervous..
-believe in witches: The ladies from hocus pocus is the first thing that came to my mind when you asked me that
-believe in Satan: yea
-believe in ghosts: nope
-believe in Santa: no
-believe in the Easter Bunny: no
-believe in the tooth fairy: no, im so lame
-have a second family: sure do...
-trust others easily: yeah
-like sarcasm: I have a problem with sarcasm...its sass...but I might use it too much..perhaps.
-take walks in the rain: Oh man! I love the’s the best...
-sing in the shower: of course
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