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Jan 29, 2006 22:04

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1) What is _dawnita's favorite band/artist? Benedictine Monks (they speak Latin, yo).
2) Does sollyman1217 have a big secret? Probably. I think he was bourne with a tail.
3) hobo_fairy's hair color? Dark brown?
4) One quality you find attractive in atomicxx? Awesome-ness.
5) Is ryuhime your best friend? Negative.
6) Does redrosesiren go to your school? She used to.
7) Is carmelfrapsrock single? No.
8) Where was carmelfrapsrock born? Houston.
9) Is turkey49 introverted or extroverted? Extroverted.
10) What would tomatosoup07 do differently in your shoes? Probably hit her head on alot of things.
11) How many monkeys could karlconka13 fight at once and win against? Six hundred.
12) Do you have twodents's screenname? I could find it out if I wanted to.
13) Would comeonandvogue7 go out with turkey49? Hrm... Most likely NOT.
14) What comic book character would comeonandvogue7 be? Rogue
15) How would klemon97 kill celebnauriel? I don't think so.
16) Is tomatosoup07 athletic? She tuns.
17) Do you have a crush on karlconka13? No.
18) What do you disagree with atomicxx about? Hrm...
19) How tall is mlemon37? 5'10"
20) Are muffins4prez and ____casseopia married? No.
21) What would you do if you found out thatoneguy has a crush on you? Raise one eyebrow.
22) Is hotdamnitsbecca friends with nervousnellie? No. But she does know her full name.
23) What is _cydneylives's favorite game? Tic-Tac-Toe
24) What rank would muffins4prez have in a giant robot army? Commander-in-Chief.
25) Would carmelfrapsrock and kornonthekobber make a good couple? Probably not.
26) What exotic animal would _cydneylives like as a pet? Snake.
27) Does __crepuscule smoke? No?
28) Where would celebnauriel most like to visit? Rome.
29) Would you set up ryuhime and twodents? Hahaha no.
30) Did muffins4prez break up with you? No.
31) What animal should klemon97 be combined with? Chico, the hun.
32) Is swssmss88 an emo? No.
33) Would carmelfrapsrock be a better ninja or pirate? Pirja. (Pirate-Ninja)
34) If tomatosoup07 had a superpower, what would it be? Awesomeness
35) Would reptilia__ and redrosesiren look good together? No.
36) If mrmanatee were hanging off a cliff, what would haylyl do? Laugh.
37) If hotdamnitsbecca was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Andy Leach.
38) Does hotdamnitsbecca have a crush on _dawnita? No.
39) What is kotsubansasu's favorite color? clear.
40) Which president would kotsubansasu be likely to idolize? Grover Clevand.
41) Has comeonandvogue7 dyed their hair? Mhm.
42) What song/movie would you recommend to _cydneylives? The Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog
43) Would you wrestle kotsubansasu in jello? No.
44) Does reptilia__ know secluded_artist? No.
45) Is hotdamnitsbecca a college student? I bet she wishes she was.
46) Is hobo_fairy related to you? Probably.
47) Is _cydneylives 1337? WTF does '1337' mean?
48) What is kotsubansasu's favorite food? Squirrels.
49) How would haylyl conquer the world? Kicking everyone's asses.
50) Have you ever dated muffins4prez? No.
51) If hobo_fairy commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Franco-Russian Jews and people with "I's" in their names.
52) When did you last call ____casseopia? I don't think I've called her.
53) Is redrosesiren a nerd? No.
54) Is _dawnita a high school student? Mhm.
55) One thing you can't stand about kotsubansasu? The fact that I cannot pronounce his livejournal user name.
56) Is muffins4prez dead sexy? Hell yes.
57) What is celebnauriel's favorite movie? Glory.
58) What is comeonandvogue7's shoe size? Small?
59) What word best describes ryuhime? CynthiaTrendafilova.
60) If swssmss88 took over the world, who would be happy? Me.
61) Does karlconka13 drink? Two Hydrogens-one oxygen.
62) How long would tomatosoup07 dating reptilia__ last? Probably .394 seconds.
63) Where was mlemon37 born? Austin.
64) Where did you first meet mlemon37? Pre-school.
65) Is comeonandvogue7 popular? Define popular.
66) Have you flirted with thatoneguy? Yes.
67) Does hobo_fairy travel a lot? I dunno.
68) Which of your friends should reptilia__ go out with? Hrm...
69) Could you see hotdamnitsbecca and _cydneylives together? Haha. Completely platonic.
70) Does mrmanatee have a dog? No.
71) Does ____casseopia do drugs? No.
72) What animal does tomatosoup07 remind you of? Cheetah.
73) Has hotdamnitsbecca been to your house/dorm? She was here like two hours ago.
74) What do you agree with kornonthekobber about? Politics.
75) Would you make out with sollyman1217? I haven't seen him since... fourth grade.
76) What is mrmanatee allergic to? Compassion.
77) If wandastruckstop and kotsubansasu were spliced together, what would it be like? A Jewish juggler.
78) How long have you known thatoneguy? Umm... dunno.
79) kotsubansasu's eye color? Brown?
80) Do turkey49 and klemon97 go to the same school? Negative.
81) Do you think andythepirate is hot? I haven't met him.
82) What planet should twodents be from? Jew-piter. YES!
83) What would you do if carbonatedlint died? Cry.
84) What video game does sollyman1217 remind you of? Super Mario Brothers.
85) Are atomicxx and comeonandvogue7 going steady? No.
86) What would comeonandvogue7 think of nervousnellie? Hrm....
87) What flavor of jello would mrmanatee be? Ass flavoured.
88) What would swssmss88 give tomatosoup07 for his/her birthday? A high five.
89) Would you ever date twodents? No.
90) If reptilia__ and tomatosoup07 were spliced together, what would be its name? Katesca
91) What color should comeonandvogue7 dye their hair? Electric Blue.
92) What languages does redrosesiren speak? Espanol.
93) If swssmss88 took over the world, who would suffer? No one.
94) What is comeonandvogue7's biggest flaw?
95) Thoughts on carbonatedlint? Coolest cat ever.
96) Are atomicxx and mrmanatee going out? Hahahaha.
97) Is tomatosoup07 related to _cydneylives? Probably.
98) Is mrmanatee in a relationship? Ha. Who would date that?
99) If swssmss88 and reptilia__ were siamese twins, where would they be joined? I'm thinking right buttox.
100) What mental disorder does andythepirate remind you of? Over processing of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.
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