SO I told this retirement center that I would start working for them next week or so and I already filled out all my important paperwork and stuff and I am REALLY looking forward to it. So today my dentist called me (I had applied to that place a LONG time before the other one) and his secretary left a message saying call her back to talk about the job. And I was like yeah I'm gonna call her and be like "" and my dad started screaming at me about how that was something a 5 year old would do. blah blah blah and he was like "u should call them to see what ur hours and pay it would be because maybe he only wants u to work a few hours a week....u wouldn't like waitressing neways". And so I called them and she wanted me to come in on monday and talk about pay and hours and stuff and I could tell she was assuming I was gonna work there. So I was like "umm I have to tell u that this other place is counting on me to go and work for them next week-ish" and she was like "oh u already have a job, well call me if it doesn't work out" and then she hung up so I really didn't have a chance to say 'oh let me see waat u have to offer'. And my dad got REALLY mad and started screaming at me cuz he knows that that enviornment would be better than where I am already going to work. how?? idk. And then I heard him talking to my mom behing my back about how I am becoming a 'follower' and I was like wtF???? follower of who???
and he was like nora.
and I was like "what the crap are u talking about?" and he was like "ok this waitressing job" and I was like "ok no I aplied to this place before nora had even heard of it...I had also called EVER SINGLE retirement place in livonia asking them to hire me before nora even knew nethign about nething". And he was like "yeah but still". And I was like "still what?!?!" And he was like "ok what about ur views on the church??" And I was like "my views on the church are MINE and when I first got them it had nothing to do with nora it actually had to do with one of my other close friends...and nora just happened to share SOME of the same opinions". AND not to mention the fact when I told my parents I wanted to leave the curch my parents started yelling at me when noras mom cared about me enough to take me to a religious conselor while my parents wanted NOTHING to do with any of it. And I was like "so yeah my opinion on the catholic church was brought on by someone else; not nora" ANd he was like "ok what about capa??" ANd I was like "CAPA?!?!?! Nora has nothing to do with capa, capa was my own decision not neone elses and ESPECIALLY not noras. She really isnt involved in the program and I think she was more against me joining than she was for it." And he was like "ok well what about not eating meat??" (I am TRYING to give up meat) and he goes "that wasn't influenced by nora??" ANd I was like "NO". And he was like "mmk who lead u to make that decision then??" AND I was like "umm a certain organization by the name of PETA, you ASS" (except the u ass part was only in my head) And he was like "well I think that u are making the wrong decision about the dentist" and I was like "sry but I see problem with committing to something and the backing out. And I also see a problem with taking ur word for it when u talk about a place being a bad environment. I feel the need to give things a chance rather then let my DADDY make up my mind FOR me". And he was like "well, I supppose u have a point there." ANd I was like "YEAH. I DO." And then I got up and left. My dad thinks I should call the dentist back and see what he has to say. But I can tell u while I love my dentist and he is one of my favorite ppl in the world, I think that the experience of working in a retirement center would be more enjoyable for me. serisouly. File papers or working with old ppl. I would go with old ppl. Are u kidding?? Ever since I was little I always really liked/admired/respected most of them. I remember when I was little my great grandma got alzhiemers and she started playing with this doll, acting like it was her child. She gave it a name and put a diaper on it and everything. I remember being at this party and no one was talking to her which I found really rude cuz she was still the same person. She still pertended like she could see out of one eye(she was completley blind but got offended when neone refered to her vision as nething but perfect lol) So I went up to her cuz everyone else was ingnoring her and talking about her beind her back and she was like "shhhhhhhhhh child." and I was like "umm I didn't say nething?" And she was like "you'll wake the baby(her doll)" And I was like "ohh she's sleeping...sorry" And she was like "no not yet, she won't fall asleep" And I was like "oh give her to me I'll try" AND she handed me her doll and I sat in a rocking chair and sang a lullaby to a doll. lol. ANd she was like "casey!" ANd I was like "shh grandma, she's trying to go to sleep" AND she was like "No she's already asleep"
of couse she didn't talk that well and she didn't alwys make sense, but u get the jist of the story. So I remember this other time where I went to a nursing home to visit my other great grandma and she was really angry. And the nurse brought her a shake for lunch and it was the wrong flavor so my g-ma chucked it at the nurse. And so since she was being mean, I decided to go talk to her roomate. And SO I walked over and was like "hi!" And she was like "DEBBIE!! My dear child I haven't seen u in years!! I thought I would never see u again! I missed u so much! How have u been my sweet angel??" And in my mind I was like 'umm...' And I felt really bad cuz she was ancient and she was never gonna see debbie again and she obviously didn't know the diff. And I'm sure her mind wasn't to great neway. And I said "oh you" and I just made a bunch of crap up and I was like "how do u like it here??" And she was like "ah well I miss u and all the other grandkids. No one ever comes to visit really" And my heart just like cracked into a millions pieces. ANd I was like "well, grandma we all miss u too. very much"
and this convo went on and on for a really long time and in the end she was like "ohh debbie u have to leave now??" and I was like "yeah I have an appt to get to" And then she asked for a hug and she kissed me on the cheek and told me to come back soon. It was SUPER cute. I would have but my g-ma died so I really couldn't go back. Sad.
neways I got off track I apologize if u read that whole thing. My grandpa's wife is coming over so I have to go get ready.
neways advice?? Call the dentist or give the old ppl a shot??