
Aug 14, 2005 03:16

The new All American Rejects song is pretty catchy.

Friends, you are the only family I have now.
It is weird not living at home.
I miss alot of you.

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Comments 13

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iwantamullet August 14 2005, 20:22:35 UTC
In St.Johns. It is about 20 minutes north of Lansing. Quite far...


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iwantamullet August 14 2005, 20:20:57 UTC
Yeah! Bowling is sweet, 586.610.2041


_marchbanks August 14 2005, 10:49:23 UTC
<3 cali is were some freinds are toooooooooooo


iwantamullet August 14 2005, 20:20:17 UTC
I know! I want to plan a vacation out there again soon but I am soooooooooooooo broke.


secretwishes August 14 2005, 14:42:45 UTC
i just got the van back, but apparently i am no longer your friend.


iwantamullet August 14 2005, 20:19:38 UTC
why do you say that?
I asked you to come visit me, I contact you, but you don't try to get a hold of me, so I think I am doing my part...


secretwishes August 14 2005, 21:54:28 UTC
i told you the van was broken down. it cost $1500 and we're moving in to the apartment in 2 weeks.

i jsut picked it up like three days ago. then i come here and see you deleted me from your friend's list. i guess i didn't know what to think.


iwantamullet August 15 2005, 00:57:53 UTC
Rachel, I understand you van broke down, you don't have to tell me it like I didn't believe you the first time. It is the fact that I made the offer and you didn't seem interested. I know you have things going on, but instead of assuming that "you were no longer my friend", you could contact me and talk to me about it instead of avoiding it. What does that solve by letting it go on not knowing what was really happening?


sweetcakes August 17 2005, 01:06:06 UTC
I thought I saw you at the mall the other day. It didn't even click in my head that it could have been you until you (or who I thought was you) were gone. Was it you? I think it was Saturday.


iwantamullet August 18 2005, 02:30:13 UTC
Nope, I am in Lansing:) But if I would've seen you, I definitely would've said "hi" hot stuff.


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