(no subject)

Feb 08, 2004 19:56


1. Kissed your cousin: of course i have. what a silly goose question!
2. Ran away: haha, yeah, i used to run over to the schaefers and play video games for hours
3. Pictured your crush naked: haha. yes. several times. it makes me quite thrilled.
4. Skipped school: mmmhmmm. but, not like on a regular basis
5. Broken someone's heart: nopers
6. Been in love: yes. i have. but prolly not what you are thinking. but to me, yes i have :)
7. Cried when someone died: i sob at funerals
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah
9. Broken a bone: i am a hypochondriac. i break a bone every day haha
10. Done something embarrassing: of course. like that one time at that rk show haha. but its always amusing in the end
12. Cried in school: i think we all know what a better question would be. have i ever gone a day without?


13. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
14. Sprite or 7UP: Sprite (but i dig cherry 7up hardcorely.)
15. Girls or Guys: sexually-guys. emotionally-depends. cuddling-both. friends-girls.
16. Flowers or Candy: flowers
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: it depends. i would say either.
18. Blondes or Brunettes: i like both. both can be extremely attractive
19. Bitchy or Slutty: well. if i have to pick i would say slutty. only because sex is normally a mutual decision. but being a bitch to someone is usually started by one person, intentionally trying to hurt someone else.
20. Tall or Short: Tall-duhhh
21. Pants or Shorts: Pants-ick! i hate shorts!
22. Night or Day: night


23. What do you notice first: hair. then eyes. then personality.
24. Last person you slow danced with: my cousin trevor, i am teaching him how to dance
25. Worst Question To Ask: i would have to agree with what jackie said. def when someone asks you if something makes them look fat.


26. Showered: this morning
27. Stepped outside: i went for a walk 30 minutes ago
28. Had Sex: this afternoon with linley ;)
29. Romantic memory: the hand kiss
30. Your Good Luck Charm: my dog
31. Person You Hate Most: i dont hate anyone. because every person who does mean things to people has some sort of inner-issue. and that makes me feel bad for them. so i have people that i feel really really really really bad for. like you.
32. Best Thing That Has Happened: my friends
33. On your desk: do you want the list? ok! 4 coffee mugs, paint shop pro box, piece of paper that says "call mark", 2 cases of blank cds, a light, a cable rooter thingy, my cd case, my cell phone, lit candles, a pencil sharpener, ms magazine, bitch magazine, veggie chips, figi water, my brothers deans list thingy
34. Picture on your desktop: 42 pictures of friends, and the thing nikki made that has melody's song lyrics on it


35. Color: green
36. Movie: 10 things i hate about you
37. Artist: ani difranco
38. Cars: minus the leather interior-i am a fan of the jaguar x-type
39. Ice Cream: i really like the kind my dogs eat. and i love lemon ice. and me and linley have a sexual fetish for dove bars.
40. Season: i like them all. but. winter for the skiing.
41. Breakfast Food: coffee


42. Makes you laugh the most: soooo many people. if i have to pick one. linley
43. Makes you smile: linley
43. Makes you happy: everyone i love and care about
44. Can make you feel better no matter what: ^
45. Has A Crush On You: my dog haha
46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: quite a few boys
47. Who Has it easier, Girls or Guys? it depends on what you are talking about. i mean. mentruation fucking blows. haha. and girls can be very insecure. and girls get screwed over in jobs. and yeah. ok. like i had to think. gguys
48. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: mr lazenby. and thats not funny in a good way. its a funny feeling because i dont usually feel like barfing

DO YOU....

49. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
50. Save MSN conversations: my comp logs them
51. Save E-mails: yeah. and then linley comes and she makes me clear them out.
52. Forward secret E-mails: ewww nooooooo
53. Wish you were someone else: not at all
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: def not.
55. Wear perfume: on occasion
56. Kiss: sure i do!
57. Cuddle: omg. do you know me?!?!?!?!?
58. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: *looks around*. haha. uhhh. sometimes.


59. Fallen for your best friend?: no. but i love her and her and her and her and her and her to pieces.
60. Made out with JUST a friend?: yes. yes i have.
61. Kissed two people in the same day?: not making out or anything but yes.
62. Had sex with two different people in the same day?: negative
63. Been rejected: sure i have.
64. Been in love?: yeah. but not like marriage love or anything
65. Been in lust?: yahhhhhhhhhhhh
66. Used someone?: no
67. Been used?: no
68. Cheated on someone?: no
69. Been cheated on?: no
70. Been kissed?: yesha
71. Done something you regret?: no regrets. i only have lessons learned.


72. You touched?: kathy
73. You talked to?: kahy
74. You hugged: kathy
75. Instant messaged you?: ashley
76. You kissed?: kathy
77. You yelled at?: my mom
78. You thought about?: my mom. and not in a pleasant way whatso ever.
79. Who text messaged you?: JESSICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
80. Who broke your heart?: my mom. and that sounds weird but idc.
81. Who told you they loved you?: linley


82. Color your hair? yes i sure do!
83. Have tattoos?: no. several people are trying to convince me though
84. Have piercings?: 6 holes. i want to do something on the lip region. but i will only do it if someone else does to or else i would be afaid i would die of an infection haha
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: yeah. but i dont enjoy it. i wear boy short undies :)
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: i try. but. i usually am like glued to it.
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: wtf mate?
90. Habla espanol?: un peu haha.
91. Quack?: hello. with linley around i do like every day!


92. Stolen anything?: my mom and i accidentaly stole something. and my mom made me go and pay for it-but imtentionally. no. buy your own damn shit if you have money. if you are poor and are stealing bread-be my guest.
93. Smoke?: i have. but. ick!
94. Schizophrenic?: haha. not really
95. Obsessive?: about some things. sometimes i am oober anal retentive
96. Compulsive?: no
97. Obsessive compulsive?: the obsessive part
98. Panic?: mmhmmm. sometimes.
99. Anxiety?: i get it over school. and having people i care about be upset
100. Depressed: i have been depressed. but like, nothing major or anything

oo i love surveys! that was enjoyable! :)
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