** basics **
Name:: Yoon-ho
Nickname:: mike,michael,yoon,bear,chunners,yoony,yoon HO,HO,panda,chinesse,korean,asian,the list goes on.
Location:: WAT WAT WB!!
Gender:: male
Birthplace:: ktown
Birthstone:: i think a safire or something...PURPLE
Birthday:: 2/15
Sign:: A- QUIR-I-OUS
Righty or Lefty:: righty tightey(for girls)
Screenname:: you should know it by now..i think
** your looks **
Height:: average 5 something? guessin 11
Weight:: 82989238923789 just about
Shoe size:: 11 1/2
Hair Color:: jet black
Hair Length:: short
Eye Color:: dark brown
Size:: .......?
Glasses:: sorta
Braces:: nope
Piercings:: my nuuts.....ing
Tattoos:: coming soon
** fashion **
Where do you shop:: at a store
What do you usually wear:: clothes
What kind of shoes do you wear:: anyones but mine
Do you wear a watch:: yea its cool
Color you never wear:: ....theres alot
Color you wear at least once a week:: white/charcole
Something you wear everyday:: underwear
Do you wear make up everyday:: guys can?
Make up essential:: if i could probably some eye liners
Most cherished piece of clothing:: nut rag jking my custom abercrombie socks
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: kendreks moms cloths....kendrek would be pissed.
Do you wear belts:: yes
Do you wear hats:: yes
How many pairs of shoes do you have:: depends when my friends need new shoes
** music **
Favorite kind of music:: mikes mixs
Least Favorite:: not mikes miz aka. country and stupid shit like that punk shit too.
How many CD's do you have:: as many as i can burn
Last CD you bought:: i stole 10 cds from kendreks house
Whats in your CD player right now:: a cd
Do you download music:: no........stupid
** Favorites **
Color:: pink and purple
Number:: everyone goes for 69 but i got for 7492735
Season:: i like cold and dark...Im a bear
Ice cream:: watever
Website:: www.pinkworld.com
Quote:: wat can go wrong, will go wrong
Store:: meijers EVERYTHINGS FREE...if ur pocket are big enough.
Band:: aid
Singer:: SAM COMER...lol he sucks
Rapper:: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Group:: my group
Song:: put it in ur mouth-akyneily
Movie:: theres alot but my new one is collateral
Actor:: brad pitt
Actress:: kiera knightly
Kind of movies:: action/drama the ones that make u think
Place to be:: venice,italy
Time of day:: when it gets dark
Clothing Brand:: ecko or martes ...blah blah
Animal:: watevers fine i liked boomer but hes gone sweet doggie
Food:: what evers good....emmm FOOOD
Holiday:: the day christ was born
Shape:: rombus
Restaraunt:: china king
Fast food place:: they all pretty slow
Boy's name:: idk
Girl's name:: idk
Word:: gogi
Month:: feb
Candy:: watevers fine
** love and relationships **
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: dont have
Crush:: waste of emotions
Do you believe in love at first sight:: waste of emotions
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: not much
Best physical feature:: dont matta
Best hair color:: dark or bruntee
Best eye color:: blue or green or watever
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:: i use to
What color is your tooth brush:: its a fuckin toothbrush
What's on your desktop:: stuff
Do you like roller coasters:: sure why not
Do you do drugs:: nope
Are you a virgin:: yes
Do you have any pets:: nope
What time do you go to sleep:: whenever im fuckin tired thank you very much!